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Old May 23rd, 2005
smokie420 smokie420 is offline
Join Date: May 22nd, 2005
Posts: 4
smokie420 is flying high
Exclamation wmp error details

I don't know much about computers as you may read if you find any posts of mine. However I've been haveing alot of problems with wmp and limewire ( dont know if errors are related to limewire and wmp) I will play a song in wmp then maybe later decide to play it again and it'll be highlighted in orange in my playlist (wmp playlist) and I click on error details and it says the file was renamed, moved, or deleted and it has not been!!! I've checked it in limewire , its still there???? Or should I just concider useing another free program to play my music ( I dont enjoy it when its being played in limewire) Thanks in advance!!
(keep up the good work)
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