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Old December 31st, 2005
roast roast is offline
Join Date: December 31st, 2005
Posts: 7
roast is flying high

Also, a VERY IMPORTANT issue that i forgot to question.

It has come to my attention that limewire is being used to transfer "fake" files, which may seem like a useful file, but is actually just junk. A folder called "complete" has shown up in my limewire library (although i cant find the physical folder on the hard disk). In this folder is a list of hundreds of files, which are all .ZIP files, such as windows service pack 2, music albums, nero, and various other programs. Curiously, all of the folders were EXACTLY the same size, 851.7KB.
Upon opening the zip files, they contained only one file, setup.exe, which, upon opening, seemed to be a spyware removal tool. I URGE users not to open these files, as they are only spreading them across the network, and the "anti-spyware" tool contained in the zip file may actually be a virus of sorts.

I will update as nessecary, replies to the topic would be interesting.

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