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Old October 21st, 2006
Only A Hobo Only A Hobo is offline
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Using the latest version of Limewire will help. It will stop you going to download and having your browser open up and taking you to some wretched web site. You don't mention this so I assume you are perhaps using the latest version (4.12.6) The results you mention seem to turn up in half the searches I make, and I have learned to turn a blind eye to them. You can however go to Limewire>Preferences>filters>keywords and enter words you don't wish to appear in your results. These can be checked and altered at any time.... you may want to search for something you have edited out

The junk filter should also remove most of these results once you have "trained" it suitably. I use a pre-junk filter version of Limewire so cannot give you more advise on that, but a search of the forum will give you other threads on the subject.

I hope this helps
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