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Old November 20th, 2007
siberiagirl siberiagirl is offline
Join Date: November 15th, 2007
Posts: 12
siberiagirl is flying high
Thumbs up possible connection between utorrent and limewire NOT connecting - A FIX, maybe !!!

I recently made a couple posts regarding not being able to get past one green bar after limewire started . So I followed others' advice that was given here , and NOTHING worked . I even did the same things a few times to see if that mattered at all .
I got rid of my utorrent and re-tried the piece of advice here that I tried before ( the one about the roaming folder ) . Sure enough , it WORKED . I havent had problems since .
Maybe it was the advice that FINALLY worked , OR it was the fact I deleted utorrent . If other people who couldnt connect that HAVE utorrent as well , delete it!!! . It worked for me as it seems and it might work for you .
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