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Old January 17th, 2008
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Default Number of UP2UP connections - Should we increase the outdegree of Phex?


I've been thinking about the number of UP2UP connections for quite a long time.

the below is my understanding, and it may be slightly outdated or incorrect at times. Please don't refrain from correcting me in that case.

the idea suffers from the number of LWs in the current Gnutella network, but it might help Phex anyway.

At the moment, Gnutella has some 5 million users at the moment.

The number of UP2UP connections is by default only 32, though.

With that outdegree, one message reaches only about
32*32*32*32 nodes (3 times: 32UP2UP connections, and once 32 leafs).

This is about one million.

So with 5 leaf2UP connections in ideal conditions, it should be possible to search all 5 million hosts.

if we assume a non-ideal distribution of the UPs you're connected to, and a non-uniform network, this number will drop (I have no math behind this, just reasoning).

Dynamic Querying stops popular queries early, but spam kills DQ for rarer files, so the number of hosts reached when we need it drops down some more.

So I'd like to ask what you think about increasing our outdegree.
How about 64 default connections? In the times when Gnutella had 1 million users, we already had 32 connections, and searches worked very well.

New we have 5 million simultaneous users, and the outdegree wasn't increased (and search results degraded in my experience).

In times of 1mio users, we could reach about 5 times the number of existant users.

With 64 UP2UP connections, we could reach about 16.8mio users, which is about 3 times the current network size, so we would be in about the same range again as we were earlier, but with QRP performing better because of the higher outdegree.

What do you think?

Should we go to 64 UP2UP connections as default setting?

- bab
PS: Phex should be able to handle it with ease:
PPS: Besides improving search performance a bit, this could also make Phex become more present in the network (because Phex UPs would show up twice as often until other clients follow - and other clients following would improve search performance).

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