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Old January 24th, 2009
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ToNneTje ToNneTje is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: January 24th, 2009
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 69
ToNneTje is flying high

So that's why i'm connected to so many Phex-Leafs

As "new" Phex-user AND stable Ultrapeer, i do NOT prefer too many Limewire/Frostwire Ultrapeers, they giving me too many FAKE search-results!
When i'm connected to more Phex and Bearshare Ultrapeers, and LESS Limewire/Frostwire Ultrapeers, my search-results are ALOT better!

"A Phex with at least 2h uptime (a decent Phex) is the preferred choice)"

Please keep it that way!

BTW, Bearshare seems to be alive again, there is already Bearshare version 7... or did i miss something???
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