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Old October 28th, 2009
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Default A simple Gnutella tracker + fileserver (in Python)


For a long time I wanted to create a Gnutella tracker which serves as centralized alt-loc resource, but I only now have the coding skills to do so

-> ArneBab / gnutella_tracker / overview -

"A simple file-tracker for Gnutella You can put files into the 'files' folder which then are made available via magnet links with alternate locations. Also it implements the x-alt protocol to learn about more alternate locations."

If you just want to test how it works, the magnet on the following page should allow you to download a test picture, as long as I keep the server running (not quite sure how long that will be...):


To get the source, you can either use Mercurial

hg clone
or just get the current snapshot:

Just start it with

You can then access the server at
Please tell me if/how well it works for you!

Best wishes,

PS: The reason for creating this centralized fileserver is to have a first source of data, similar to what BitTorrent trackers provide. Also Communities can form around fileservers (it's easy to disable the serving of files and replace it with just storing the metadata).

PPS: This tracker is currently only tested with Phex. I don't yet know if/how well it works with other programs. If the magnet-download works, please tell me!

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