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Old February 21st, 2011
Jalnor Jalnor is offline
Join Date: February 21st, 2011
Posts: 5
Jalnor is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I've noticed a few times when I'm queued for a download, I'm sitting in position 1 and the software is counting down the seconds to "retry the connection." What happens next is that it says, "Connecting..." then "Host busy." This seems a bit like getting to the front of the queue for a really busy night club, then getting out of the queue to walk away somewhere and ask a bouncer if you can get in, only to be told "queue up like everyone else." You almost invariably lose your place in the queue and, if the host is busy enough, you lose your chance to connect at all. Is this auto-retry an essential component to the network's operation, or can Phex be made to just quietly assume that it'll get to download the file when the host is ready?
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