Thread: avi doesnt work
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Old June 25th, 2003
joeshmo joeshmo is offline
Join Date: May 18th, 2003
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Posts: 16
joeshmo is flying high

Which preferences should i check in to make sure that i can play avis with that player? Where would i change it so i enable avis to be viewed? I have a mac os 9.2 with the basic lw that u can get free from the site. I also have quicktime 6.3 cause it says i have the most updated version when i go to update it. I'm not sure what version of real player i have - its the most basic type and i think the highest version my comp can handle. for wmp, i have version 7 but i always have problems with wmp. with the real player preferences, it has a few sections ill list them:

general, display, content, upgrade, connection, transport, proxy, performance and support.

the wmp preferences are simple and useless, saying nothing about audio or video files that it can play

there r alot of qt settings when u go to preferances, similar to the real player

also, how do u get the thing below ur mesage to say whay ur os and everything is?

one mor thing, do u have wmp, qt, or real player and if u do and u view avis, how do u do i rite this i cant see ur specs and i dont remember what they r..............maybe u can help me better if u know about the players and their specific preferences and whatnot

i dont know much about how to configure players to play certain formats so any help u or anyone else could give me would b gr8 thanx
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