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Old October 1st, 2003
trap_jaw4 trap_jaw4 is offline
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
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Originally posted by rockkeys
By the way, if limewire is a gnutella client, why does it only connect to limewire peers? Is this intentional to force the restrictions of limewire onto every source that can be accessed?
LimeWire allows connections to any gnutella client as long as it's up-to-date enough.

While gnutella says there are hundreds of copies of the files out there, I can't find them with limewire, because it restricts the TTL needed to get to those sources.

Although you some sources may be more than 4 hops away, a TTL of 3 is enough to search a network that is more than twice as large as Gnutella.

THere must be a happy medium that will work better than what we have. While you say that Kazaa and gnutella can't really provide good performance, I'm getting 50K/sec downloads with gtk-gnutella, and peaks of 170K/sec on Kazaa when I can find a source that has a fat pipe.
That's because neither gtk-gnutella nor KazaaLite are giving network health much consideration. That is no argument for LimeWire however, to do the same.