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sberlin April 23rd, 2004 01:33 PM

LimeWire 3.9.5 Beta
The LimeWire 3.9.5 beta is released, with the pro version available from a link on your Pro download page, and the free version (with NO BUNDLED SOFTWARE) available from the LimeWire download page.

Changes in 3.9.5 include:
- Massive search result improvements. The following issues are just some of those that were addressed:
Speed: No more massive CPU spikes or visible delays when results pour in.
Selections: No more having to click in various places and guess when LimeWire will select your result, expand it or download.
Sorting: No more having to keep clicking to sort a column after new results come in. LimeWire will now automatically insert a result in the correct order for sorting.
Stability: No more seeing columns jump to strange places with strange sizes after moving, resizing, hiding or displaying them. LimeWire now acts in a more predictable manner.
- Removed the last of the icon drops in the windows installer.
- Various browse host fixes.
- Various id3v2 fixes.
- Internationalization fixes, submitted by Philippe Verdy.
- More intelligent validy checking when reading cached hashes from disk.
- Detection of invalid available ranges as reported from uploaders (solving a repeated 10-byte download), pointed out by Gregorio Roper.
- Better validation of THEX XML trees, submitted by Philippe Verdy.

There's still some small things we're going to try to include for another beta or two, and then LimeWire 4.0!

Thanks to everyone for their help in beta-testing and code contributions. Please give this beta a thorough workout, especially with search results, so we can iron out any problems that crept in with the massive search result changes.

- The LimeWire Team

Burn April 23rd, 2004 01:50 PM

I'm finding it hard to keep up with all these downloads :D Good work guys!!

rutro April 23rd, 2004 02:51 PM

Yes! Excellent work LimeWire Team! :)

et voilą April 23rd, 2004 03:00 PM

I'm still waiting for the firewall-firewall dl thing you told macworld about....:p

sberlin April 23rd, 2004 03:19 PM

Unfortunately, complete firewall to firewall transfers are not going to be finished by the time we release 4.0. The server-side of it may be included, though.

Fortunately, LimeWire 4.0 has enough brand spankin' new features and visible changes that we feel it's already worthy of a new major version number.

et voilą April 23rd, 2004 03:31 PM

Ok Sam, but I hope push proxies hosts will come in the download mesh in 4.0...


sberlin April 23rd, 2004 04:44 PM

FYI, before anyone posts about it... There's a known problem with the column sizes flickering as results come in. This is fixed on our development version for the next release.

swimkid April 23rd, 2004 05:36 PM

itunes integration for WINDOWS!!!

that would b awesome

sberlin April 23rd, 2004 05:39 PM

iTunes integration for Windows will be in LimeWire 4.1. ;)

Burn April 23rd, 2004 05:43 PM

Sberlin, Yeah I've noticed the flickering as somthing is being downloading. I was going to mention it but no need now. Once again, good work.

P.S what is this iTunes thing :confused:

rkapsi April 24th, 2004 12:22 AM


Originally posted by Burn
P.S what is this iTunes thing :confused:
Click -> iTunes

Juggalo15 April 24th, 2004 06:26 AM

Alright I posted this once but the thread just kind of fell into the abyss. I talked to M.O. awhile back about his seekable integrated player. I believe he said he sent the code in. Did you all recieve it and/or plan to make it part of Limewire?

Zaggar April 24th, 2004 06:41 AM

Yes, im finding it hard to keep up also, because im on dialup and the LimeWire Windows installer does not work for me, so i have to download the international installer, 14MB :(

Is there anyway the Installer can be changed, or the international installer made smaller?

verdyp April 24th, 2004 09:47 AM


Originally posted by rkapsi
Click -> iTunes
Note that iTunes is a DRM-enabled media player/manager/encoder. This means that it will preserve the additional frames inserted in the MP3 stream that contains a licence ID for its registered user.

Some people are not aware of this. Still iTunes is safe to use as it will not add DRM data into downloaded files that don't have it. (I think it will not do that immediately). The good thing about iTunes is its very easy ID3v2 tag generator, which allows easy labelling of files. But it's best not to use it to rip your Audio-CDs into MP3 files: the generated MP3 will contain the registration ID, so if this file is shared and uploaded a lot, the DRM data may allow identifying who ripped the unlicenced copy of the copyrighted CD.

Windows Media does it too, and in a near future, most popular MP3 encoders will do so too. As long as the MP3 ripped audio is for personal use (for example to transfer to a mobile MP3 player), this is safe and great.

iTunes is much more lightweight than Windows Media Player or RealOne Player, which are very boring to use with too many features and are heavy resource hogs, and cute but unnecessary and complex skins...

Many users like the fact that this iTunes player is just what they need, with no excessive interface features. Its main interest is certainly the ease with which you can manage your media library, with a good enough OS integration so that transfering and managing media files becomes really easy on Windows and Mac OS.

limenut April 24th, 2004 01:25 PM

LimeWire 3.9.5 beta is definitely looking good! I did find one minor problem. When browsing some hosts, instead of LimeWire showing their real IP address on the tab, it shows their LAN IP address (192.168.*.*) when they aren't on the same LAN as me even though it gets their file listing just fine.

et voilą April 24th, 2004 01:32 PM

Bug: When sorting by high bitrates, the double digits bitrates comes before the three digits bitrates.

limenut April 24th, 2004 01:42 PM

Java 1.4.2_04
SuSE Linux 9.0
"firefox $URL$" as the web browser in LimeWire's options.

When I right click anything in my library and choose "Magnet details for file," firefox opens up and the site loads which typically only happens if the "localhost" port limewire is passing refused the connection. Sadly, I can't see what port that is before loads.

et voilą April 25th, 2004 06:07 AM

bug in the UP localisation system:
When starting LW in leaf mode, LW tries to find one x-local-pref:fr ultrapeer. But after a while, it doesn't try to connect to them anymore when you lose a connection. I think the x-local-pref thing (3 connections by default) is respected when running in UP however.


limenut April 25th, 2004 07:20 AM

If you control click multiple listings in the search results while more results are coming in, LimeWire loses the selection repeatedly until you right click the tab and select "Stop Search"

sberlin April 25th, 2004 02:11 PM

Re: Push Proxies in download mesh.
You'd be surprised how little this would help, in the current incarnation atleast. Alternate locations go out of date very quickly, and adding another very transient piece of data (the ultrapeer of a host) to the information would just pollute the mesh with lots more garbage, leaving the directly connectable hosts in the dust. Push proxied hosts also are completely meaningless for other hosts that are firewalled. Perhaps once fw->fw transfers are in, we'll take another look at how effective push proxies can be in the mesh.

Re: "seekable integrated player"
No clue what this is. I know we recently (a version or two ago) did some changes with the player... dunno if that was it.

Re: lots of updates
What is going wrong with the English installer?

Re: LAN IPs in browse-host
LimeWire doesn't actually know their real IP (atleast at the time the tab is created). It connects using push proxies, so the results display fine.

Re: Sorting bitrate wrong
Yeah, that's always been that way. It sorts by alphanumeric values, not numeric values. (So it's not really a double digit then triple digit thing, it's that the number 9 or 6 is higher than the number 1.) It'll be fixed at some point, but probably not for 4.0.

Re: Firefox & Linux
Not sure what's going wrong. LimeWire should be listening on a specific port for the request. To be honest, I'm not sure this will be fixed before 4.0 unless it's also happening on Windows and/or OSX.

Re: Localization & connections
This is by design. As a leaf, LimeWire will try for about 30 seconds to find an Ultrapeer of the same locale. If it doesn't find one, it just gives up (instead of creating massive connection churn). As an Ultrapeer, LimeWire doesn't actively seek the same locale, but instead reserves 3 slots for incoming connections of the same locale. When LimeWire 4.0 ships, connecting to users of the same locale will be much easier because the locale is now placed in the pong.

Re: Losing the selection
Fixed in the development version.

limenut April 25th, 2004 02:45 PM


Originally posted by sberlin
Re: Firefox & Linux
Not sure what's going wrong. LimeWire should be listening on a specific port for the request. To be honest, I'm not sure this will be fixed before 4.0 unless it's also happening on Windows and/or OSX.
"netstat -lpnt" in linux shows limewire listening on both port 6346 and 45100.


$ netstat -lpnt
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address          Foreign Address        State      PID/Program name
tcp        0      0 :::6346                :::*                    LISTEN      13706/java
tcp        0      0 :::45100                :::*                    LISTEN      13706/java

I changed the browser from "firefox $URL$" to "konqueror $URL$" and finally could see what URL it is trying.

This is a sample url that is resulting in a message in konqueror saying "Connection to host localhost is broken":
http://localhost:45100/magcmd/detail?addr=<my-ip>:6346&n0=LimeWireLinux.bin&u0=GZLEHA3FR46YNHEU5 AEFUTAM5HYEEEMF

When I change "localhost" to "", the magnet details page loads just fine. It is only when it is set to "localhost" that it results in limewire rejecting the connection.

My /etc/hosts file has:
Code:      localhost
# special IPv6 addresses
::1            localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

fe00::0        ipv6-localnet

ff00::0        ipv6-mcastprefix
ff02::1        ipv6-allnodes
ff02::2        ipv6-allrouters
ff02::3        ipv6-allhosts

A telnet session:

$ telnet localhost 45100
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /magcmd/detail?addr=<my-ip>:6346&n0=LimeWireLinux.bin&u0=GZLEHA3FR46YNHEU5AEFUTAM5HYEEEMF HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux)
Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*, image/*, */*
Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate, identity
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en
Host: localhost:45100

Connection closed by foreign host.

Yet telnet and pasting the exact same thing gets HTML as a result. It seems like LimeWire doesn't like SuSE's usage of IPv6.


$ telnet 45100
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /magcmd/detail?addr=<my-ip>:6346&n0=LimeWireLinux.bin&u0=GZLEHA3FR46YNHEU5AEFUTAM5HYEEEMF HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux)
Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*, image/*, */*
Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate, identity
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en
Host: localhost:45100

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: LimeWire 3.9.5

<html here>

sberlin April 25th, 2004 03:30 PM

Thanks for the detailed info, limenut. I think the problem is because we're looking for the string "". Should be a simple fix.

limenut April 25th, 2004 03:36 PM

Then again...once I now have a magnet link, the other question is how one can even use it in LimeWire for linux? I thought I could run "$HOME/LimeWire/LimeWire" and pass the full magnet link as a command line option and it would somehow query the already running limewire and popup a dialog asking me if I wish to download magnet link such and such in that already loaded instance. LimeWire did ask if I wanted to add it to my download list, but, sadly, it loaded another copy of itself in the process, which is not good. :( Is there some other way I could pass magnet links to LimeWire in linux that doesn't make it load another copy of itself? And another question is, does anyone know how to associate magnet: URI's in FireFox or konqueror to LimeWire so that simply clicking a magnet: link sends the entire magnet URI to limewire?

zab April 25th, 2004 06:16 PM


Originally posted by limenut
Then again...once I now have a magnet link, the other question is how one can even use it in LimeWire for linux?
Copy the link in the clipboard and switch to limewire. Under linux, Limewire checks the clipboard and if it contains a magnet link it will ask if you want to download it.

Juggalo15 April 25th, 2004 09:33 PM

about the seekable player...more explanation...

You of course know of the integrated player in this player plays straight through the song correct? No way of going back and forth... (Limewire Player)

Well MamiyaOtaru made an integrated player (AquaLime Player) in which while playing a song you can drag across the player and move the song forward and backward.

I believe he has said he sent in the code but I can't be for sure. You can check out the latest AquaLime over at UTC or my site if your still confused

I was just wondering if this was going to be put into the anticipated 4.0 version.

limenut April 26th, 2004 04:43 AM


Originally posted by zab
Copy the link in the clipboard and switch to limewire. Under linux, Limewire checks the clipboard and if it contains a magnet link it will ask if you want to download it.
Oh! Cool! Thanks! I didn't know that worked since the first time I switched it to LimeWire it didn't do or say anything when I had a magnet URI in my clipboard making me think there had to be some other way to get it to read magnet URI's. But the second time worked like a charm.

stief April 26th, 2004 05:51 AM

-- "repeat search" not effective--I have to use the keyword (autocomplete) search to find more sources.

--please reduce the font size in the OSX stats. The smaller font size looks great in the results, connections, library, etc.

sdaswani April 26th, 2004 07:23 AM

how is everyone liking the 'What's New?' search? it will definitely be in 4.0 but i'd like to get any/all feedback about the feature.

stief April 26th, 2004 01:24 PM

for the most part it's great. As I said before, very addictive. It also serves to train a user in the use of filters to sort the results.

I predict that it will be copied by other vendors very quickly.

The results, though, are often disturbing, and there will be more reactions to the kiddie porn and other dark files that many users would not otherwise see. Perhaps a note/tooltip advertising the "block host" feature might help reduce the complaints and make it a feature.

The definition of "new" is unclear. I keep seeing files from other machines on my LAN that were first shared weeks ago showing up in "what's new."

I really like seeing files in non-Roman scripts. I wish they could be control-clicked and entered in the keyword search for editing or finding hosts to browse.

mwarden April 26th, 2004 03:47 PM

small item
A small item:

If one clicks "Kill Download", the icon in the search pane for that search result (the download of which was just killed) remains the "currently downloading" icon. Definitely not a show-stopper by any means, but I figured I'd note it just as well.

Great job, limewire team.

mwarden April 26th, 2004 05:04 PM

Repeat Search Bug Returns
Also, it looks like the old problem we had a few versions ago where the search progress bar in the search tab wouldn't "restart" when one clicks "Repeat Search". This is probably do to the changes that were made with search.

limenut April 26th, 2004 05:13 PM

LimeWire banning LimeWire?
I just saw my LimeWire 3.9.5 beta ban a LimeWire 3.8.9 Pro user saying "Banned Greedy Servent" when all they did was request about 10 or so small text files from me, most likely by shift clicking an entire range of files in their search results. Isn't that a little harsh or is what LimeWire 3.8.9 doing when a user shift clicks their entire search results bad behavior that is going to change soon? Also, how long does it take for the ban to go away?

sberlin April 26th, 2004 08:52 PM

Re: Icon not changing during 'kill download'
Fixed in development, will be in 3.9.6.

Re: Repeat search doesn't work
Assuming that this problem is because a filter was selected, it's fixed for the next version.

Re: Banned Greedy Servent
I had thought the banned stuff would only kick in if the person was trying to download the same file over and over... but maybe not. We'll take a closer look.

stief April 26th, 2004 09:18 PM

No filter is chosen during "repeat search" (the original search was for "any type", search term = "blah blah .avi", no results found the first time).

I can confirm the greedy message (quite a useful message, btw). A client was trying to download a series of pictures, probably found by browsing me. I've set to only allow one slot per upload.

I also find if I try to download a series of texts or pics the first will dl fine, but the others will show "need more sources." If I wait till the 1st pic finished, I can then resume the second. If I resume multiple pics from that host, only one will resume.

Client side queuing needed? If a host only allows one slot, it would be good to queue up the requests on my side as others have asked before.

btw--any answer to the good question about the duration of the ban?

sberlin April 26th, 2004 10:04 PM

Ohhhh the search progress bars. Didn't think of that. Will be fixed before release, but probably not for the next version.

The ban time isn't a specific length of time, but rather is based on the amount of requests from the host. We allow any request in the first 30 seconds we see that host, and then from then on we allow 1 request per 5 seconds. If they exceed that limit and continue to hammer, the amount of time they have to wait just grows and grows.

(And yes, client side queueing is needed, but will not be in 4.0.)

stief April 27th, 2004 01:43 AM

Thanks for the quick reply--that's a pretty slick "greedy" formula!

a few quick notes--

Hmmm--repeat seach on a browsed host and on the 'what's new' results does return results, even if the progress bar's colour doesn't change. Still, the best way I've been able to find more sources for one file hosted by a RAZA vendor is to type in another identical keyword search.

Good to see the spinning lime is transparent again (Roger?--I haven't had time recently to browse the mailing lists)

'Type' .smi files (Self-Mounting Image) show under 'Video' filters--they should show under 'Programs'

Reduced font size is much appreciated on the OSX default theme--please apply to the stats too. Jens-Uwe has included it in the jums for a while.

btw--I just tried a fresh install of the 3.9.5 beta on a reformatted Panther disk, so not even the former file was present to start connecting. Everything worked very well (I wondered if I'd see connections problems). After 2 hours as a leaf I disconnected and reconnected as an UP.

rkapsi April 27th, 2004 02:33 AM

Transparent GIF: Nope, that wasn't me

Type .smi: the extension .smi is also used for SMIL files which is an Audio/Video description language (like XML). Check out this link for more info: QuickTime and SMIL

stief April 27th, 2004 06:37 AM

Thanks for the link Roger--I'd never heard of .smil files.
If I read the specs correctly, .smi is mostly for ads. A quick search on LW showed mostly OS 9 programs, so perhaps .smi would be better listed as a program rather than video?

. . . might also be worth looking to see if .img files are mostly pics or archives.

rkapsi April 27th, 2004 10:32 AM

I wouldn't say it's mostly for ads but you're right that 99% of the .smi files are self extracting images and not SMIL files...

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