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tenring1 March 10th, 2005 10:00 AM

Un-Lock Key?Are they 4 real?
Why is it that everytime I download something that includes either an un-lock key, or a serial# that they NEVER work?

The Fearless One

murasame March 10th, 2005 12:11 PM

Mainly because copies of the software that you are trying to use are not meant to be distributed and the companies that made it are quick to find and disable keys such as these.

ursula March 11th, 2005 12:04 PM

You should be EXTREMELY cautious with such files.
99 % of them are in fact a scam to get you to believe that you will be able to download an activation key or password or whatever in order to use an illegally acquired application... THEN what happens is that you, without knowing it, install what is called a DIALER applet into your machine...

What these little monsters do is to normally wait a given period of time when you have made no keyboard or mouse actions... Then the applet dials a number which charges out at very very high rates, such as sex chat-lines and other garbahhhggge.

And, YES... No matter what your highly-trained computer mates might tell you, they often work on connections other than straight 56K modem dial-up.

And... AND, the phone company will simply tell you to, "Mount up and rotate", when you complain about your astronomical phone bill !!! HA HA HA !


There are always safer ways of getting what you want.

tenring1 March 13th, 2005 06:13 AM

So what is the option?
The way I see it, you either pay the outrageous prices that the Software companies are asking for what cost them pennies to re-produce, or you download it, just like Music, nobody seems to have a problem with ripping off the Artist of His/Her royalties, but whoa when it comes to software.
IMO-Same-Same we are all taking what is not ours, and I do not have a problem with that, because they are ALL making rediculis-sp?amounts of money and they cost in factors for loss by theft or whatever, just look at the stocks...
Soooo... what is the Option??

The Fearless One

tenring1 March 13th, 2005 06:39 AM

There is NO phone, or phone number connected to this Broadband connection in any way , shape or, form.
Plus I have the added security of a Teenage Son,and a Teenage Daughter that are on the Phone 24/7/365---ha ha-I had to get a cell phone to get ANY calls at all, let alone try to make one...

The Fearless One

starlin March 21st, 2005 01:26 PM

Free Free Free

Mainly because copies of the software that you are trying to use are not meant to be distributed and the companies that made it are quick to find and disable keys such as these.
Absolute crap, not one iota of software on my PC or Laptop has been purchased, from my XP Pro (activated) to my Limewire Pro 4.81 pro or edited dillhole How can any of the owners of the above disable a key thats on my computer, they can release fake ones yes, but there will be 1 - 5 hosts with it, if there are 100+ hosts with it you know its real.

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Edited to comply with the House Rules.
Warez, copyright violation, or any other illegal activity may NOT be linked or expressed in any form. There will be no excessive use of profanity permitted in these forums. Please read the forum rules.

Says you, calls me a name, and then pulls me for calling them one!!!!!!

starlin March 21st, 2005 03:11 PM

My computer knowledge has not yet, reached proxys, seriously so I don't know what your on about there! and if you mods are going to edit posts, make sure you follow forum rules, im no dillhole, aŁ$ehole!

fabion March 21st, 2005 03:33 PM

Hmmm I'm no mod., and I agree with Peerless and the others.

Unless your using the software under edu criteria, they all have a point and your missing it.

I have put in my 2 cents worth.

Get a grip and understanding.

starlin March 22nd, 2005 12:18 AM

I understand what your saying, and used to be paranoid about downloading things (cracked software) like that, but you need to use common sense, it's the same with music, some new songs I download, you can't edit any info about song name, track number artist ect, those I belive are tracker songs, if you can edit everything, then its ok, put it this way, I've been downloading for years so can spot dodgy stuff a mile off, and remove any crap after (using spyware scanners ect) after each session. If people want to pay for stuff thats fine, but I never will, saved my self a good few bob!!

ursula March 23rd, 2005 09:05 AM

Oh, goody !!!

Perhaps now we can return to the primary subject which is to warn as many people as possible re: the true threat(s) involved in using 'cracks' or 'KeyGens'...

There is absolutely NO NEED to ever D/L or open any crack or KeyGen for anything...
'Availability' of desired 'things' is not limited to those requiring a 'crack'...

Beware and Learn more about p2p...

starlin March 23rd, 2005 11:02 AM

What true threat? I, and many others have never encounted any real (invasion of my PC) problems downloading things, if you don't have sufficent protection on your PC you should't be downloading from p2p's. I have put the same legal copy (bought with a PC) of XP on 4 computers, using a flaw I've never heard of untill I tried it, installing the 4th copy I ran into problems on the activation page, I phoned microsoft, yes, actually spoke to an operator, who gave me the activation code to activate the same copy I had just installed and activated on the 3rd PC an hour before!! You'd think they would have questioned me but they did'nt! My point being, are companies realie paying as much attention as we are led to belive!

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