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yosoy4ever August 6th, 2005 07:16 AM

I have Norton Internet Security 2004 on my pc. No problems in the first 3 all of a sudden I keep seeing this message: SYSTEM STATUS: URGENT ATTENTION. Under Norton Anti Virus I see in red: ATTENTION. When I click on Norton Anti Virus to see what the problem is, it says: "Your virus definitions are out of date. Run LiveUpdate to get the latest virus definitions updates." I hit the RUN LIVEUPDATE BUTTON, and it runs and then tells me my updates are "currently up-to-date"......but......the URGENT ATTENTION message continues to appear....forever !! Can anyone out there help me with this annoying problem and tell me what I need to do to fix this problem ?? Thanks.

et voilą August 6th, 2005 07:25 AM

Your NIS is probably asking you to update to the 2005 version. I personally recommend that you ditch NIS and install Avast, which is free for home usage and a better antivirus IMO.


Lord of the Rings August 6th, 2005 11:29 AM

It is my understanding Norton AV offers 12 mths of free updates & virus definition updates. After that you need to re-register it. I suspect it probably will have started to affect you at the end of June or July right?! Just a guess anyway.

Grandpa August 6th, 2005 09:20 PM

Now et voilą I will tend to disagree with you there they are both good AV software. I use them both sometimes Norton will detect a new virus first and sometimes Avast will it all depends on who discovered the virus first and how long it took them to get the definition out to others. And Norton is more user friendly than avast. But I do like them both.

cathodraytube August 7th, 2005 12:24 AM

iv been using panda platinum , AVG and nod32 and they seem to work verry niceley with each other . and of corce ad-aware for spyware. i hope a patch comes out for windowsxp or vista when it comes out to make it immune to virri & spyware....if not i may go mac or linux.

et voilą August 7th, 2005 06:10 AM

You guys are using two AV at a time with real time protection? That must slow down the computer a lot :eek: Glad I don't have any on my macs. ;)

Do what you want but I don't believe AV softwares should be paid or even need to re-register them. They are a necessary software on windows and too many people only know Norton while there are better free alternatives. Imagine what people could do saving that cash annually, party, everyone?:D

Lord of the Rings August 7th, 2005 07:30 AM


Originally posted by cathodraytube
....if not i may go mac or linux.
Good move! I've got Norton AV for mac OSX & 99% of definitions are for windows. lol The other 1% or less is for earlier mac viruses. None for mac osx. I only use NAV to manually check downld folders. I rarely use it.

Originally posted by et voilą
party, everyone?:D
Yippee! et voilą's paying for the party. hehehe lol :D

ultracross August 7th, 2005 07:53 AM

ROFLMAO! i havent used my beer hat in awhile, so im bringing that! bong anyone?

et voilą August 7th, 2005 07:55 AM

Nice! Beers are not what we'll be short of, believe me, but we need more girls. Kath? :D

Grandpa August 7th, 2005 08:43 AM

et voilą why do you say that Avast is better than Norton the testing that I have done shows no difference in the two as far as detecting viruses and the Norton has a better user interface than Avast. When it comes to detecting spyware Norton beats Avast in that department. But that is what spyware detectors are for. Avast uses less memory than Norton about 50% no big deal LW uses as much as both combined. And yes on my main cpu I use both due to the fact it is the one I am on the p2p net. with most of the time and neither are 100% efficient all the time but if one misses something the other will catch it. No it doesn't slow my cpu down I have enough cpu and memory that it doesn't matter.On my wifes machine I use Norton, my laptop has Avast.
And I see you are a mac fan and we all know that the likelihood of getting a virus on mac is far less than if you are running windows. Due to the fact that not allot of hackers take the time to wright a virus for mac there is really no reason to, most of your corporations and people for that matter run windows not that windows is any better than mac. So I am guessing that this is a personal preference because in my test they both work about the same. The only difference I can find is one is a Cadillac and one is a Ford.

Nice party Lord looks like fun

Lord of the Rings August 7th, 2005 10:08 AM

I wondered whether yosoy4ever has the full version or a trial version. If there's problems with it then it might be better to re-install it. I recall someone else saying they solved Norton issues by re-installing their softw.

et voilą August 7th, 2005 10:30 AM

Hey LODR, did you look at this free AV mac software (uses open source AV backend) ?

Seems good replacement for your current AV, hahaha
[/me slaps my face because people get tired of me slaming poor Norton]

Lord of the Rings August 7th, 2005 11:08 AM


Originally posted by et voilą
Hey LODR, did you look at this free AV mac software (uses open source AV backend) ?

Seems good replacement for your current AV, hahaha

It looks good & it's free. I'm going to check it out! Thanks et voilą ! ;) :)

Wild Peach August 19th, 2005 11:05 AM

Okay, putting my two cents in, I experienced the same problem and you may want to run Avast to isolate a Trojan horse which is capable of disabling NAV as well as causing general havoc. My situation was a downloader Trojan Horse picked up from a freebie web site, you may want to backup and reinstall if you can't find a particular solution to your problem. And definitely get Peer, I'm a girl, have years of partying experience, let's go global with this thing! :D

bpmax: Animals usually don't fare too well at parties, there was an incident once with a goat, a midget and a disco ball, I was acquitted of course...LOL! But you're welcome anytime, from one black sheep to another!

ukbobboy01 August 19th, 2005 12:15 PM

Norton's User

I use Norton products and, especially, I have used NIS 2003 and currently use NIS 2005, I may have the answer to your problem.

First of all you say:

No problems in the first 3 all of a sudden I keep seeing this message: SYSTEM STATUS: URGENT ATTENTION
Now, if your NIS 2004 came with a new computer then you will only have 90 days free use, the "Urgent Attention" message is telling you to renew your subscription in order to continue to receive anti-virus and firewall updates.

There is another possibility, it is possible that you got some form of malware (Trojan, virus, worm) that has got into your PC and disabled your Nortons. This happened to me when I left my teenage son with my PC surfing the net one Friday night. He either surfed somewhere he was not suppose to or downloaded something. Either way it attacked and disabled my NIS 2003, I had to delete my NIS, making sure that I left the settings intact, and then reinstall everything. That worked, I got my solution from the Symantec knowledgebase.

Finally, it would be a good idea to get to know your software by downloading the manual and having a read through it.

UK Bob

Grandpa August 19th, 2005 01:14 PM

Good call ukbobboy01 I didn't even think about the 90 day thing.

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