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Lord of the Rings June 15th, 2006 06:30 PM

The Constitution has been sabataged
So if i install BearShare Lite from the Hizbollah or Hamas sponsored sites then that means I'll be investigated by the 80 year old incompetent CIA I mean the Oops!!! USA' um de ... but i thought all people living in USA were being spied on by the CIA/FBI anyway. I guess it depends upon who you vote for. Less than good actor's children or .. whoever takes front page of your highly sponsored newspaper or news report on TV. There must be at least some brains in politics in the USA. I'm sure they don't all work for the catholic hierarchal regime or jewish front. (oops!) nag post lol :D

Sphinx June 15th, 2006 06:41 PM

Im using version 5.2.3. I think it is. still works and NO spyware so I wont update anymore then. I switched back to Bearshare because LW is too slow for me. Im keeping it until it works no more.

Oh and LOTR you really have no clue what you're talking about and if you're gonna insult my country please do a better job of it ok?

AaronWalkhouse June 15th, 2006 06:49 PM

That's our cue LOTR. Let's keep hammering the Weevil Empire until we get it right.

Lord of the Rings June 15th, 2006 07:28 PM

... if you feel like china did in their time of building the great wall (which I believe usa has strongly considered) then good luck to you. So tell me sphinx, what's the difference between USA now & behind the iron curtain in russia pre-1990's? How much freedom do you "really" have? How much privacy? How much does govt or business (thru marketing) not already know about you such as when & how often & where you make credit card transactions or withdraw cash, etc. :D (let's keep telephone calls separate for this moment!) ;)

Sphinx June 15th, 2006 08:26 PM

LOTR you still have NO clue how the USA is run and Im not about to get into politics on a Bearshare forum with you so nice try. Dems, keep losing in my country because all they're good for is insults. Think about it. Next election will be a Repub too. Might be another long eight years before a Dem wins again and the P2P laws will never change no matter who's in the White House, the RIAA controls that. ;)

AaronWalkhouse June 15th, 2006 08:43 PM

Consider this an invitation. Please come to Canada.
Enjoy the freedoms once envisioned by Ben Franklin and his generation! ;]

Sphinx June 15th, 2006 09:23 PM

LOL. All I wanted to know was the status of Bearshare Lite.

Grandpa June 16th, 2006 06:02 AM

The people of the US have played a large role in the make up of the US. This country everybody likes to bash has helped more countries throughout the world than any country in history in it's relative short history. It has done more to help promote democracies and rid the world of dictators than any other. Go ahead and bash the US and think you would have all of the freedoms you have even if the US wasn't around. Since the beginning of it's short history The US has been the leader of the world in peoples rights.

What freedoms do any of you have that I do not. How many of your countries allowed their people the rights to speak their minds 200 years ago.

I really like the part of the CIA spying on people. Do you really think your country's equivalent is not doing the same. And just how large do you think the CIA is. With what is going on in the world right now. With the right winged religious zealots who call anybody that does not believe as they do infidel, and believe they need to be killed. I for one am happy the CIA is there.

Any way go ahead and bash us. But while you are at it think where would you be without us. We the people of the US do have the right to change the government with our votes. But it takes a MAJORITY to do so. And as long as a majority like things the way they are it will stay that way.

Any way I have ranted long enough

Only A Hobo June 16th, 2006 10:32 AM

Nice post Grandpa, and thankfully I believe you have saved this thread about ...what was it ..Bearshare light... turning into a totally off topic slanging match. You are an asset to the forums:):)

Sphinx June 16th, 2006 05:58 PM

garbagefan2, just becareful with new versions. I havent updated mine and it works just fine and it shouldnt have any spyware unless they changed it.



and this is for LOTR:

LOTR Ive been meaning to ask you where you are from orginally? If your Mom was from the US doesn't that make YOU and American too? Just curious as to where you get your misinformation from a leftwing blog perhaps? Edit to add: Big Brother can spy on me all they want, Im not a terrorist so, I have nothing to hide. ;)



Hi Grandpa!!! You are deadon, couldnt have said it better myself.


Peerless June 16th, 2006 06:18 PM

the present day US SUCKS DIRTY ***...every congressman and senator should be put behind bars for corruption and refusing to do what their constituents demand, and the Oval Office....Jesus Wept....sheeshus...

this country at this time reminds me way tooooo much of 1930's Nazi Germany..

Lord of the Rings June 16th, 2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Grandpa
What freedoms do any of you have that I do not.

Burn the USA flag in public & see what happens to you. It's only a piece of cloth. :D

The hypocritical ways of the US govt is what i'm digging at. They expect China to clean up its human rights abuses as well as other countries. Despite their culture. But look at how the US has treated those captured from Afghanistan, etc. Human rights ... yeah sure! :rolleyes:

My country doesn't execute prisoners. Apparently the legal system in USA still happily does so. Well ... some states.

AaronWalkhouse June 16th, 2006 06:56 PM

Hmmm. I'm thinking we should split this off into a half decent thread of it's own.

I mean, how many americans remember that Bush swore an oath to uphold the
constitution, yet has been putting himself above it and has set various agencies
of the executive branch against amendment after amendment?

And now his new appointee to the Supreme court has just gutted one of the
principal laws supporting the Fourth. Police don't even have to knock on the
door when serving a search warrant anymore. Just crash right in any old time,
and if you don't like it, sue, at a cost of millions per attempt.

To this guy, the Constitution is an Enemy of the State.
What more does this guy have to do to get impeached?
Tear the paper remnant out of it's display case and burn it? :confused:

Grandpa June 16th, 2006 10:57 PM

If I choose to burn the flag in public nothing would happen other than I would get my *** kicked and rightly so. Their have been many American flags burned in protest. Which by the way is illegal in virtually every country in the world. As far as gutting the fourth like I said before when a MAJORITY votes for a different administration then it will change. Until that happens it will remain as is.

This is a time of war and with war come prison camps. These people were trying to kill us that is what happens in war. Cold hard Truth. These prisoners your are defending are the same people that killed Ten's of thousands of their own people just because they were of a different political party. Real nice people wouldn't you say. If you wish to stand for them or with them be my guest. Most people probably would not survive too long in society with them. These are the zealots that kill people just because you do not believe as they do.

So you tell me how would you deal with them. Just sit back and watch them kill anybody who does not believe as they do. I hope they never come to your country and start killing your people. Is this how the rest of the world believe things should be. It saddens me that so many care so little for the others of the world as long as their home is safe. I for one am proud to be from a country that cares. I may not agree with all that happens but at least we are not just sitting around and watching it happen.

6_pac June 16th, 2006 11:20 PM

I agree in spirit with what Grandpa said, but when it comes to Bush and the current administration so many things have been done wrong and for selfish and self serving reasons, that Bush could walk on water and start sh1tting out golden eggs and I still wouldn't support him. The sooner he's gone the better. Hopefully after this next election.

IMO the blood of every innocent Iraqi and every soldier killed in Iraq is on his hands. Yet he won't allow testing on frozen embryos that are just going to be thrown away:confused:. The mind boggles.

AaronWalkhouse June 16th, 2006 11:21 PM

As I recall, a majority did vote against the current group, but the Electoral
College system, coupled with a bit of tactical disenfranchisement and
gerrymandering in a few key states made a close election swing against the
vote. :p

As for the concentration camp, not only is it still as illegal as the day it
opened, but we just don't know how many of those political prisoners are
terrorists or just trapped innocents because none have yet had a fair
and open trial.

What I would do is put them on the most widely televised trials in history in a
public place like the Hague and let a proper court hang them once all doubt
was extinguished or release them as quickly as humanly possible. If that had
been done right from the start we'd have boiled that number down to a few
dozen real terrorists by now and the shopkeepers abducted by mistake would
all be back in their shops.

We caught some of those characters just last week and we did it right. They
never got the chance to stage their wave of attacks and they are all facing
real courts with real judges in full view of the public. We got it right and did it
so efficiently that not one person was hurt and not one suspect was
treated unjustly.

Watch and learn, America, as the country that called it right on Gitmo and the
Iraq war from the start shows you how 9/11 and "the war on terror" should
have played out. :cool:

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 06:13 AM


We caught some of those characters just last week and we did it right. They
never got the chance to stage their wave of attacks and they are all facing
real courts with real judges in full view of the public. We got it right and did it
so efficiently that not one person was hurt and not one suspect was
treated unjustly.

Watch and learn, America, as the country that called it right on Gitmo and the
Iraq war from the start shows you how 9/11 and "the war on terror" should
have played out.
You mean to tell me that if it hadn't been for the fact that 911 happened that these people would have been caught any way.Yea right I believe that. Although it is possible. But the situation is a little different. Any idiot could have figured out that a group of people with known ties to terrorist buying several thousand pounds of ammonia nitrate were up to something. But I very seriously doubt that it would have even been noticed if 911 hadn't happened.

Their is quite a bit of difference in the circumstances here Aaron. Like you said not one person was Injured. Not thousands killed. That is not a very good comparison. And during war time it is not illegal to hold prisoners of war. Although as I stated before I do not agree with every thing that has happened.

And you still haven't answered the question of what should happen to the regimes that kill thousands of their own people just because they believe differently than the ruling government. Oh I know turn your head and look the other way. They are just people any way.

Lord of the Rings June 17th, 2006 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Grandpa
And during war time it is not illegal to hold prisoners of war. Although as I stated before I do not agree with every thing that has happened.

During war, there's the geneva convention for a start. Though it seems in this case USA doesn't believe in it unless it's their own soldiers who are prisoners.

Making this point is NOT suggesting I am supporting terrorists. That's an extremely narrow minded answer to my point.

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 06:53 AM

And as you quoted me there I do not agree with everything that has happend.

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Grandpa
You mean to tell me that if it hadn't been for the fact that 911 happened that these people would have been caught any way.Yea right I believe that. Although it is possible. But the situation is a little different. Any idiot could have figured out that a group of people with known ties to terrorist buying several thousand pounds of ammonia nitrate were up to something. But I very seriously doubt that it would have even been noticed if 911 hadn't happened. Their is quite a bit of difference in the circumstances here Aaron. Like you said not one person was Injured. Not thousands killed. That is not a very good comparison.

It is the perfect comparison, because we didn't drop the ball when the clues
were paraded right by, and if those jokers had succeeded the damage would
have been just as great to us as it was to the U.S. Like I said, this is how
9/11 should have played out.


And during war time it is not illegal to hold prisoners of war. Although as I stated before I do not agree with every thing that has happened.
As for "prisoners of war", you do realize that if the political prisoners at Gitmo
had been designated as such instead of illegally held, they would have all had
their trials by now, don't you? That's what crime was carried out against
those men and boys.


And you still haven't answered the question of what should happen to the regimes that kill thousands of their own people just because they believe differently than the ruling government. Oh I know turn your head and look the other way. They are just people any way.
You claim those prisoners are the ones who kill thousands for political reasons?
Prove it. Show us the evidence. You can't because the Boy Emperor George
is afraid to let anybody see the lack of evidence. Most of those abductees
are nothing of the sort.

You can't claim to be just and civilized if you are not willing to respect the
law. As long as americans turn their head and look away from what their own
president is doing, they must share the guilt and the consequences of his
crimes. Canadians don't do that, which is why our former Prime Minister
is out of office and keeping his head down right now for misuse of a relatively
tiny amount of promotional funds and why his party is virtually wiped out of
Parliament for the next decade or so.

You want to tar others, better test the brush against your own skin first to
see if it would stick there instead of where you wanted. Both Saddam and
Usama were your government's boys in the first place. You made them, armed
them, backed them, betrayed them, and now you are enjoying the fruits of
your labours. While you're thinking about these most recent examples, cast a
fond memory of your other old buddies like Noriega, the Contras, Marcos, the
good old days in Iran and on and on… :p

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 07:00 AM

By the way. We have answered the the question of what should happen to the
regimes that kill thousands of their own people just because they believe
differently. In fact, we are still on the job in Afghanistan. Where are you? :p

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 07:31 AM

Well if you wish to believe it is a perfect comparison go ahead. There is quit a bit of difference in Ammonia Nitrate a known ingredient in high explosives or a fast acting food source for plants. And people learning to fly. Especially when you factor in pre 911 and post 911. But believe as you wish.

The fact is this is war time for the US and therefore POW although as I have stated before and will state once again. I do not agree with everything that has happened.

As far as your examples of the Norieaga , etc. etc. These people were trained by the CIA and supported by the US to help fight those that were committing human atrocities. And after they came to power they did the same as the predecessors. And yes at that point we did abandon them and rightly so.

I suppose we should follow the Canadians lead and do nothing gust let the atrocities continue and do nothing but sit and watch. :eek: Sorry but I care more than that.

foolofthehill June 17th, 2006 07:51 AM

:eek: ....Holy sh#t, I glad that I haven't engaged in this thread.....;) :D

Guess, my mom was right,......never carry your believes, your political preverences and your sex-life into public........all that is meant for your privacy.......:) ;) :)

Lord of the Rings June 17th, 2006 08:20 AM

Perhaps if USA had stayed out of everybody elses politics around the world in the past then they wouldn't be so hated by such people. Pinochet ... why did USA support him? Another mass murderer.

Basically USA goes around the world preaching that everybody should be "just like them". And they hand them lots of money & arms to achieve this. If they don't agree then they get squashed out of the financial markets ... perhaps even embargos, etc. Blackmail I think it's called when they do this. :D

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 08:45 AM

So basically you are saying whatever happens to the people of the world let it happen. Thats Nice I suppose that is one point of view. One thing that history has repeated over and over is that when a nation becomes a super power that eventually they become hated whether from oppression or jealousy. And this will most likely happen to the US who will the next super power be. The most likely scenario is the Chinese I hope that I do not live to see that happen. But somewhere down the line of my ******* it is probable after all they are the largest nation in the world and actually quite powerful.

Myself I would prefer that the rest of the world be like the US or any other free country rather than a communist country. But that is just personal preference.:D

Lord of the Rings June 17th, 2006 09:10 AM

I think I already mentioned it, but the CIA's bungles have stretched back something like 80 years or so.

(The term communism tends to be used for pidgeon-holing. Black & white way of looking at things!) I wouldn't call America central democratic zone. Far rightist of the centre. Otherwise why can't everybody vote who or which party for the election & presidency. ie: Overall national majority of votes for party & leader wins. That's not how the USA election process works.

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 09:20 AM


(The term communism tends to be used for pidgeon-holing. Black & white way of looking at things!) I wouldn't call America central democratic zone. Far rightist of the centre.
Just curious but what are you calling the center.

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Grandpa
Well if you wish to believe it is a perfect comparison go ahead. There is quit a bit of difference in Ammonia Nitrate a known ingredient in high explosives or a fast acting food source for plants. And people learning to fly. Especially when you factor in pre 911 and post 911. But believe as you wish.

The fact of the matter is FBI agents were already aware of the suspicious
guys taking flight training and CIA/NSA had heard the buzz about a multiple
hijacking. Our police and intelligence agencies have never been so out of
touch with each other and would have connected the dots instantly, and in
fact that is what they did this time. It's a perfect comparison because
commercial flight training was under the exact same process of review as
ammonium nitrate sales and even by the same respective agency (FBI -
RCMP), not to mention the intercepted communications were monitored by the
exact same international team of agencies because our CSIS/CSE and your
CIA/NSA agencies are always in contact with each other. It doesn't matter
whether 9/11 happened or not because the procedures followed were in place
years before, with the only difference being they have always worked
properly here

You are proving the case against your own government with each point you
try to make. Stop believing as you wish and focus on the facts.


The fact is this is war time for the US and therefore POW although as I have stated before and will state once again. I do not agree with everything that has happened.
Those men and boys weren't even given that distinction, which would have
assured them some rights under the Geneva Convention. You need to do more
than sit there and disagree with it, you need to tell your rep and senator what
you think about it and then work to elect anybody but a republican in
your community.

And, by the way, if the U.S. government had prevented 9/11 as it could have,
would it have declared war? No. Of course not, because it would have been
just a major criminal case just like we have here now. If these terrorists had
succeeded in bombing Ottawa and killing our politicians would we have
declared war and suspended our civil rights? No. Of course not, because we
don't have delusions of world domination and a rising dependence on Middle
East oil.

You didn't have to declare war.
You didn't have to forsake your own liberty.
You do have to live with that choice now. It was yours to make.


As far as your examples of the Norieaga , etc. etc. These people were trained by the CIA and supported by the US to help fight those that were committing human atrocities. And after they came to power they did the same as the predecessors. And yes at that point we did abandon them and rightly so.
That's partly right. All of those people were employed primarily to further
american economic and strategic interests, sometimes against corrupt
regimes, but sometimes against working democracies and peaceful countries,
and most of these proxies had bloody hands right from the start. Instead of
putting down your rabid dogs you sat back and watched them play, turned the
other way when it got too bloody, and only after the rabies has spread did
you try to do anything. As usual, up to a decade and (at least) several
thousands of unnecessary deaths too late.

Sometimes you didn't even do that. Remember Saddam? Remember
where he got those chemical weapons? What short memories you have
down there! Is it the heat or seepage from your massive stockpiles? :p


I suppose we should follow the Canadians lead and do nothing gust let the atrocities continue and do nothing but sit and watch. :eek: Sorry but I care more than that.
Do you really know your own country's history?

Take another hard look at our respective records. Which nation has put the
most effort and people into peacekeeping missions throughout the world for
the past fifty years, and which nation has created the most proxy wars
around the world for the past fifty years? Where did the atrocities occur?

Take your time. We're patient people up here. :rolleyes:

Bush should have followed our lead and closed Gitmo when we told him to, he
should have followed our lead and stayed out of Iraq until the inspections
were done, and he should have followed our lead and finished the job in
Afghanistan. Trouble is, whenever we had something to say, he was hiding in
his little temple listening only to his handlers, and he had not enough respect
for his peers and neighbors to place their proven good advice above his own

It's time for america to follow our lead and put the boot to the criminals they
elected. We kicked our criminal leaders out (again) for comparitively minor
infractions and instead of weakening ourselves, are stronger than ever before
every time we do it.

Somehow it's not disloyal to do so up here. Go figure. A paradox? :p

Lord of the Rings June 17th, 2006 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Grandpa
Just curious but what are you calling the center.

It's a bit of a circle. (Have you ever studied politics? It's too long ago for me!) At one end you have communism/socialism then in the middle democracy then at the other far right you have Fascism. As I said ... it's a bit of a circle. USA is not pure democracy. It's right of the middle.

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 10:01 AM

Sorry Aaron but I will not follow the lead of a Country that will stand by and watch as others are slaughtered and will only interact after another country has done something about it. And keep your blinders on as you walk through life and you wont have to see any of it. And like I said you can believe as you wish about the comparison. And I will believe as I wish. I really do not care what your point of view is as you probably don't care about mine. But I do care about people and their rights. My daughter and son-in-law are currently in the military defending peoples rights. And you are sitting here saying what they are doing is wrong.

Well sit safe behind your computer and keep typing at least they are doing something that might make a difference in someone else's life.

By the way have you ever traveled to some of these middle eastern countries and seen what life is really like or do you just watch the news and read news reports. Have you ever seen a woman carrying a dead baby offering to sell her other child so that she can get food for her other children. I have and it is sickening. My daughter has also seen it. Believe what you wish about these people and what life is like for them. I know what it is like. And I will support anything that may help. And by the way the this was years before the war began.

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 10:37 AM

Are you referring to the half million kids starved to death in Iraq through the
nineties up to now? Do some research into that.

Where did you get that bizarrely twisted image of Canada? Bush? Fox?
Way off base, and don't presume you know where we carried our rifles or what
we did with them if that's all you think you know. We have always been first
in, last out, most effective, and never felt the need to bray like a proud mule
about it.

Back when I was an adventurous lad america was an ally and I rubbed elbows
with fine men from all over the planet. Now it's a dangerous rogue and I feel
sorry for the kids on the line. I never said the kids were doing wrong so
stop lying to yourself about what I meant. I'm still talking about the mad
elephants dragging the rest of you around with wild abandon, not caring who
they trample.

We didn't change in 2001, america did, and its no surprise we want to step
away from the spectacular mess. If you want to deal with misery, start in
your own back yard and prove something to yourselves.

Until you folks down there get up off your porches and do something about
your situation I'm not going to let up and you're not getting your A back. :p

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 11:03 AM

Actually that was in India where in the morning they come and pick up the dead along the sidewalks and road and dispose of them. In Afghanistan I was on a agriculture tour buss and saw an automobile accident 2 vehicles collided head on 9 people killed or injured. The only people that stooped to help were the ones that drug the biddies of the side of the road then got back in there cars and went there merry way. Why don't you take a trip to the middle east and do some real research. I or you can write anything we want and post it anywhere we want that doesn't mean it is true. You know absolutely nothing about anything other than what you have heard or read. Grow up and go find the Truth.

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 11:34 AM

Automobile accidents? City life? That's it?
Nope, you're still not getting your A back. :p

Sphinx June 17th, 2006 02:02 PM

:eyeroll: Do you got any proof? I love these fake numbers you guys come up with. And they didnt die or starve under Uncle Saddam's rule? You can easily have Saddam back, doesnt matter to me if they let him go tomorrow and mass murdered half his country. I love reading ten thousand dead, well, where are the bodies? Got proof of this? LOL. Who are you gonna hate when Bush is out of office? I hope the Dems loose the next election too and oh Im an Indie Voter not a Republican.

Lord of the Rings June 17th, 2006 02:08 PM

Hey Sphinx it was the USA who put Saddam there in the 1st place remember!? Yes they found buried remains of both the gas poisoned & massacred kurds or didn't the USA newspapers & TV news report those things. Wow how the USA media keeps you all in the dark by only reporting what makes money for them. (ie: What the USA public wants to hear!)

Peerless June 17th, 2006 02:51 PM

take a nice deep it 3x...then go here: and do some reading....perhaps special attention to the article about the dollar bubble about to burst...

and 9/11....whatever....just consider this: it only takes 2 ppl to create a conspiracy....

Grandpa June 17th, 2006 03:17 PM

Interesting article

Sphinx June 17th, 2006 07:49 PM

Im not even reading the thread because I know what you lefty's will say even before you post it. I dont have to read the same old whine about how bad America is each time. I know it by heart. and I dont read anything that a Dem or a hater has posted or wrote from any articles. Like I said, you can have Saddam back and I wouldn't care. Im sick of the word Iraq. And why in the world would I read a UK article? lol. Think not. I dont get my news from liberal media, including UK. :eyeroll:.

ahh yes the same old defense, we put Saddam in got proof? ahh yes, we put in all the bad dictators. Yadda, yadda, yadda, if we put them in we can can them out just as quickly. Ahh yes, the big bad U.S.A. is to blame as usual.

AaronWalkhouse June 17th, 2006 10:17 PM

You're just proving that you were suckered by the opposite extreme to leftist
media like thetruthseeker such as Faux News. Both ends go too far as usual,
but the only way to find the truth is to learn how to spot and filter out the lies
by watching both and spotting the occasional fact that comes through like the
situation with the new euro-based oil trading and the Bush administration's
desperate attempts to stop it.

You can't really trust the mainstream media in the US and UK anymore
because they just avoid the truth when it makes them uncomfortable. Witness
how poorly they report on the whole "PetroEuro" thing, and how you find
virtually no mention of the current situation on that front. That leaves you
with mainstream media from anywhere else, such as Canada, who don't have
owners with a stake in the game and therefore have nothing to lose by
actually reporting the news. The CBC, for example, have not been shy in
exposing the Bush administration on the one extreme and Chretien's
sponsorship fund scandals on the other.

The bottom line is you won't get to the truth by shutting your ears and hiding
in your safety zone. I get Al'Jazeera every week just to keep an eye on what
the arab people are seeing and to balance off the american press. This helps
me spot the lies and evasions on both sides of the story and therefore lets me
decide for myself where the facts lay.

Just as with grocery shopping, you have to pay attention to details and look
for a balance in order to have a healthy diet, and a little experience will teach
you to spot which products are artificial and which are junk food. :p

svtpunkhed June 17th, 2006 10:38 PM

this why i love this people can actually express themselves without somone threating to shut this down..

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