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kelzz110 February 21st, 2004 06:38 PM

At college and can't connect
So I'm at college and cannot connect my LimeWire to the network. I'm on a LAN connection, but it still won't connect at all.

I can connect fine when I'm at home, but never ever when I'm at college.

I tried the suggestions on pervious postings, but nothing seems to work and my LimeWire is still not connecting to the network.

Is there just a block on this program since I'm at school?

If anyone can help me connect that would be awesome and greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Dillinger February 21st, 2004 08:08 PM

im having the same problem. this sucks.

trap_jaw4 February 22nd, 2004 02:49 AM

If your college blocks filesharing software you would probably better not try to circumvent that block, even if you could.

ursula February 22nd, 2004 11:30 AM

trap_jaw4 is right in saying that you may be better off not 'pushing things'... It depends on many factors...

You could try to talk with others at your school and find out something about the Administrator controlling your Internet Services... If the response is that the person is maybe OK, than perhaps you can have a word with the Admin... (Keeping in mind that doing so may also 'raise flags', if you know what I mean... Tread lightly.)

Also, you can try changing your assigned port, but if you have already checked out other posts here, I assume you have tried that .. ???

Last for now, if you are using a firewall, are the settings the same as those on your home machine ?

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