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PurpleTheFlyingCow May 16th, 2005 08:34 PM

Help Me!!!! @_@
im new here.... i started using limewire about.... lets say about 2 months ago. i know what to do on it & stuff.... but there's a problem....

you know those little green bars at the bottom that actually turn green when your connected on limewire & can download stuff? yeah, well, only the 1st one's green & the rest are red.... i'm already signed onto the internet before i sign on to limewire & nothings happening... i cant download any more new songs!!!!

(by the way, everything on my computer had to be erased... inculding the FIFTY songs i had already downloaded!!!!)

so could that be the problem?... the fact that my computer had to be completely erased & restarted... or is limewire just being evil?:confused:

is is confused... help me... please T_T:(

PurpleTheFlyingCow May 16th, 2005 08:37 PM

...... T_T anyone????

i know it's like 11:36 where i am... but still...

i wanna download the songs from Phantom of the Opera!

((by the way, that movie was AWESOME!!!!!!XD))

PurpleTheFlyingCow May 16th, 2005 08:48 PM

you people are so evil...

oh well... if you can just post something that may help me, please?

ok, well, i is tired.... & i have a test tomorrow.......crap.... oh well.... night night peoples

Lord of the Rings May 16th, 2005 09:04 PM

Well it's hard to know what your problem is since you've given us well .. not much details to say the least. Please read: Limewire Forum sections

You could try deleting your LW Preferences folder whilst LW is closed; instructions here: Fixes for Limewire

PurpleTheFlyingCow May 17th, 2005 04:56 AM

ok... lets see if i can make this clearer....

the first time i used limewire (about 2 months ago) it was working fine. i was downloading song, videos pics, everything. i had about 50, or maybe more, songs in there and a few pics and cideos.

ANYWAY... then, my computer broke down. i'm not really sure what happened to it. it just wasn't signing on to the internet any more. so i just went on limewire to listen to music. that means i was still using limewire for a bout a week without it being connected onto the internet (so all the little bars at the bottom were red)

now that i've gotten my computer back, nothing is here. everything that use to be on my computer (like limewire & all the songs i had on it) are gone.

so now, i have downloaded limewire again and now this time, when i tried to search for a song, it wasn't working. and that's 'cause the little bars at the bottom are red, even though im connected to the internet.

so.... im basically asking... what do i do to make the bars green again?

((is that clear enough for yah?))

Lord of the Rings May 17th, 2005 03:17 PM

1. Configure your firewalls to allow LW full access:
2. Give LW some time to connect. If not connect within 15 mins then go to menu Disconnect. Then a minute later choose Connect. Give it over 30 mins to connect.

PurpleTheFlyingCow May 18th, 2005 05:12 AM

um, ok. thankyou

but are you sure that'll work? if i try to fix the firewall thingy, im afriad i might break my computer

Lord of the Rings May 18th, 2005 09:24 AM

hahaha no, if you follow the instructions carefully you can do it. It's just to allow LW access. If you were playing advanced net games, etc. then you'd probably need to do something similar. :D ;)

PurpleTheFlyingCow May 18th, 2005 05:08 PM

:) ok, thankyou:cool: :D

PurpleTheFlyingCow May 18th, 2005 05:19 PM

ok, i followed those steps & i understood them.... untill i got to #6. i didnt undertsand what to do from steps 6 down.

i dont get how i have to get to what step 8 says..... i got lost @_@ my computer's different from what the steps say.

PurpleTheFlyingCow May 20th, 2005 04:04 AM


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