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karatekid51392 April 2nd, 2006 05:56 PM

Limewire is working wierd
I've read quite a few posts here on limewire, but i just cant figure this one out. I'm pretty computer literate, too, so this suprises me. When you answer, I must ask that you dont refer me to another website or another post or thread, please just post the information here.

My problem is one that has been addressed before, after starting up, Limwire detects a firewall, and won't connect. I tried everything posted, but nothing worked. then i switched wireless internte networks -- Limewire worked terribly on mine, so i used my neighbor's (it works on my computer, he's fine with it). It works beautifully on his, but not mine. Why is that? what's wrong with mine? Also, i turned off every single firewall i have, it still says that a firewall is there. The firewall is not there on my neighbor's connection, however.

I tried changing my listening port to a whole bunch of different numbers, it just doesnt work. the only thing that works is the other connection, is there a way to make my connection accept limewire, the same way his does?

Grandpa April 2nd, 2006 06:08 PM

Well you have a couple of choices of things you did not cover. It is either your ISP does he have the same ISP.

Or it is your Router or Modem they may have a firewall in them. But you do not want to be pointed to a different website or thread plus you did not list your modem or router. So you will either have to accept another web site for setting up your modem or router if they do have a firewall in them. Or find it on you own. It takes way to much time to make a tutorial when they are already available somewhere else.

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