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Charles Krips August 25th, 2002 06:25 AM

Downloading Problems
My son and I have been using Lime Wire for some time now, but two days ago we developed a problem. For the last two days, after the download it completed, it does not save to the library. Can any forum members help us resolve this problem? thanks.

Treatid August 25th, 2002 12:47 PM

If you are getting the 'Could not move to library' error...

This error is usually due to illegal characters in the filename of the downloaded file. Often this is '\' where the file is listed with a partial path but other (less obvious) characters can do it too.

There is also a fairly rare bug that causes nearly all new downloads to have this problem - shutting down and restarting LimeWire seems to fix this.

In neither case have you actually wasted a download - although the progress bar jumps to 100%, the download didn't get a chance to start.


Charles Krips August 25th, 2002 03:38 PM


Thanks for your reply, Treatid. After I posted my question last night, my son discovered that our downloads are appearing not a MP3 files but as MPEG files! We must have messed up a setting or something. We would like to restore the setting back to the way it was, but have no clue what to do.

Your advice would be appreciated. Charles Krips

Treatid August 26th, 2002 12:49 AM

In what way are your files appearing as mpeg?

If the files have an mpeg extension (.MPG or .MPEG) then you are downloading the wrong files.

If the problem is that MP3 files have been associated with the wrong program (a video player perhaps) then the solution depends on your operating system and the normal audio player that you use.

If you are using windows - then MP3s may be associated with Windows Media Player - this isn't wrong - they'll get played. If you want to associate them with something else - then there are several ways to do it - but if you're not running windows I can't advise...


Charles Krips August 26th, 2002 06:48 AM

:confused: Treatid: thanks for your response, and I will try to answer your questions the best I can.

As I reported yesterday, when we download an Mp3 it is not stored in the library, but appears under Programs, Lime Wire, shared folder as an MPEG file. We are using the Windows ME operating system. So as you advised, it seems as if the MP3 files have become associated with a wrong program. The normal audio player we use is WINAMP.

Can you advise how to get the files associated back to where they were? charles krips

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