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PowerMacG4_450 August 31st, 2002 05:47 AM

Limewire detected a file corruption???
Hi, while downloading a mp3, got an error "limewire has detected a corruption in the file xxx"

and im given the option to continue downloading, or cancel.

is this feature buggy? I usually continue downloading, and listen to the file and it plays fine!

so, I dont understand this error message.

can someone explain. thanks.

Treatid September 2nd, 2002 08:40 AM

Minor file corruption (a few bytes) is frequently not noticeable in media files (audio, video). This is why you are given the option to ignore the warning.

File corruption in executable or compressed files is usually fatal and the relevant file should be deleted.


rutro September 3rd, 2002 07:55 AM

No prob....
Yes.... I've gotten this message a few times... usually opt to continue the download... in each case so far the MP3 file hasn't been corrupted enough to prevent playing.

Unregistered September 4th, 2002 05:20 PM

yeah this sucks!
this seems to be a bug. i've noticed others posting this same problem. it really sucks 'cuz i don't like to sit there and watch my files download. i put a bunch in the download window and go to bed, only to wake up the next morning with only one file downloaded and the "file corrupted-continue with download?" prompt.

BTW-i've had this prompt around 15 times now and NOT ONE of the files was actually corrupted.


p.s. i noticed another member had this problem with his registered, paid for limewire PRO. i refuse to pay cash for this until this problem is fixed.

Treatid September 5th, 2002 10:45 AM

Ah - Mr. Sucks...

How do you know the files weren't corrupt? You had an original against which you compared it? Or are you judging on the basis that the files play and you can't hear anything wrong?

The 'file corrupt' dialogue does not interrupt the download - the download continues in the background, but the file won't be moved to your complete folder until you answer the prompt.


P.S. I'd be truly astonished if you paid for the program under any circumstance.

Unregistered September 5th, 2002 10:17 PM

ah-mr. senior member

you prescience at whether i would ever pay for this program is astounding.

and maybe it doesn't stop the downloading of that particular file, but it does prevent the next file in my queue from downloading, i'm not making this up.

this forum is for posting problems, is it not? are you trying to discourage me from the free discussion of the subject of this forum.

please don't reply unless you have something helpful to say.

Unregistered September 6th, 2002 07:21 AM

ah-mr. senior member part 2

i confirmed again last night that the file corruption detection STOPS my the next file in my download section. Limewire STOPS everything while it waits for the user to reply to the prompt.

and YES it is because i listened to the song, which played perfectly, that i am complaining that there is no corruption. if you look around these forums, i am not the only one that is frustrated with this issue.

Treatid September 6th, 2002 02:51 PM

> you prescience at whether i would ever pay for this program is astounding.

:-) Thank you.

> are you trying to discourage me from the free discussion of the subject of this forum.

Ah - I hadn't noticed that you were taking part in a discussion, sorry. I thought you were just having a harangue.

> please don't reply unless you have something helpful to say.

Are you trying to discourage me?

Now - about corruption - Just because you cannot hear corruption in the play back of a file does not mean that the file is not corrupt. It may well be sufficiently un-corrupt for you to not worry about it - but the corruption from the original is still there.

Corruption here means that what you have downloaded differs from one or more of the sources that you downloaded the file from. This difference can be for a number of reasons and of greater or lesser severity.

So, I believe that your temper tantrum demand that "somebody fix this bug now" is based on erroneous perception of what is going on.

Your complaint that the file corruption dialogue stops the rest of your downloads is more reasonable. I don't think that it is correct - my recollections of corrupt dialogues do not suggest that other downloads were halted - but I'm not absolutely certain because I wasn't looking for that. I think that file downloads stop for any number of reasons and that this is what you are seeing. However, I will take particular note next time I see a corrupt file.


Unregistered September 8th, 2002 06:53 PM

DownLoad File Corruption
FYI- I am on a cable modem running aLimewire Pro on a laptop. I was originally dowloading mp3 with the Shareware version of Limewire and had no file corruption issues. It seems as though I have been having it sine I started running the Limewire Pro version. As noted the files will play. I have also noted the other files continue to download. I do not know if there is a problem with Limewire Pro or if the problem is my system. It does seem repeatable if I try to download the exact same file of the search which may point to the source being a problem? Or maybe the network is creating the error somehow.

Any Ideas?

Meriah II September 9th, 2002 05:23 AM

File Corruption Msg
Repeat of my unregistered entry:
FYI- I am on a cable modem running aLimewire Pro on a laptop. I was originally dowloading mp3 with the Shareware version of Limewire and had no file corruption issues. It seems as though I have been having it sine I started running the Limewire Pro version. As noted the files will play. I have also noted the other files continue to download. I do not know if there is a problem with Limewire Pro or if the problem is my system. It does seem repeatable if I try to download the exact same file of the search which may point to the source being a problem? Or maybe the network is creating the error somehow.

I re-tried doing the same download **Edit**. I found if (out of the several on line) if I downloaded ones with a length of 3.298mb they failed consistantly. If I downloaded ones with 3.280 or 3.294mb they seened to work ok.

It appears there are some "corrupted" files out there - but why?

Any Ideas?

Unregistered September 10th, 2002 04:10 AM

what to do
i have limewire pro also and have been getting corrupted files almost 4 out of 5 songs......may these contain viruses or is it just a glitch?

please dont guess...reply if u think u know or can be helpful
im on a mac laptop also and just want to be safe
would like to know what most of u r doing

to continue or not to continue.....that is the question!!!!!!!!!

Underground Artist

Treatid September 10th, 2002 11:08 AM

Corruption detection only detects differences from the source(s) - it will not detect viruses, trojans, worms or the like.

It is very unlikely that audio files will contain a virus. It isn't impossible - but such a virus would probably only work on one specific player and are generally very limited in what they can do.

The worst that you are likely to experience from a corrupt file is a square wave in the audio (very sharp and hard rises and falls in the waveform when it reaches the speakers). But it isn't particularly likely in a corrupt MP3s and poorly ripped audio (clicks and pops) are at least as bad. This sort of thing can, theoretically, cause damage to your speakers (more so if at extreme volume and repeated frequently). But don't worry about - there are much easier ways to destroy your speakers.

The fact that you are picking up a high percentage of corrupt files suggests that someone has modified their files - it might be something as trivial as changing the ID3 tag.


P.S. The check for file corruption is a recent addition to LimeWire - this is why people haven't seen it previously.

rutro September 10th, 2002 11:44 AM

Thanks Mark... for your informative reply post! :)
Much appreciated.

Unregistered September 11th, 2002 01:32 AM

yes Mark.....thank you very very much

u have answered me greatly....i very much appreciate ur helpfullness


peace to all...
Underground Artist

kromag September 11th, 2002 06:54 AM

Re: File Corruption Msg
I would think that the reason all of the files of a certain size are corrupt is that the original source of the file created a faulty file and others have then downloaded and shared it. I haven't had much of a problem with corrupt files but I ONLY download mp3 files.

If you want to see the corruption of an mp3 that sounds fine but got you a corrupt warning, I think that you need to convert it to a wav file and open your wave editor, then run the file. I haven't noticed any more pops and chrips from the "corrupt" files then I had from files that I downloaded with earlier versions of Limewire.

Lovin the Lime!

Unregistered September 14th, 2002 11:53 PM

corrupt files????
I too am having corrupt file problems. my problem is (and this seems different than any other post) is that after i am alerted that the file i am downloading is corrupt (which ALWAYS happens after the file is done downloading) the file is no where to be found on my computer. i can't find them anywhere and there must be about 20 somewhere on my computer by now. this is very irritating because after waiting for a file to download it turns out to be "corrupted" at least 95% of the time.

is there anything i can do to fix this?

maybe it should be a feature that can be turned off. is it really your responsiblity to filter out files that are potentially damaged? if you say that a virus is no real concern then why else would this be necessary? assuming that most people are interested in music and video you filter out corrupt files because of what? their lack of quality? these are not recordings that have superb(or even good) audio or video qualities. why would a snap, or pop, or glitch in the visuals be of ANY concern? these are really just mediocre representations of better sounding and looking works. i just think the priorities are backwards here.

that's just my two cents.

now, give me a way to fix this and i'll buy a copy of PRO

btw, i'm and OSx user and i have a DSL connection (maybe that makes a difference??)
**Edit Email Address**

efield September 17th, 2002 09:35 PM

Re: corrupt files????

Originally posted by Unregistered
why would a snap, or pop, or glitch in the visuals be of ANY concern?
That's up to you. My thinking about this though is that if a file is downloaded 'corrupted' then it is different from the files that you downloaded from. Therefore the hash of your file is now different from the original. This matters when someone else tries to download this file and finds two different versions of the 'same' file and has to choose one or the other.

You can't do a swarmed download for files that are different, and a corrupted file is different. If you carry this out on a large scale then you have several versions of the same file that have to be downloaded individually and at a slower rate since you can't swarm download the different file versions.

Unregistered September 19th, 2002 10:16 PM

Corruption constantly.
I have been attempting to download files for about a half a month now, and almost every one of them comes up with the corrupt file notice that everyone is speaking of. I hit the button to continue the download yet I never get the file anywhere that I can find it, and none of the files that have managed to squeek through are useable. This didn't happen to me before which I understand this is a new feature in the upgrade. I am getting quite upset because I can't download any file of any type without getting the corruption notice. And by the way, the notice ALWAYS comes up on the last 1 second of download, never before. Is there something I am doing wrong (though I haven't changed any of my habits or the way I do things), or is this just an "upgrade" that I am going to have to attempt to get used to. Quite honestly, I will not spend the money on something that won't let me download a thing.

If anyone is interested, I am on a Mac G4 with the latest "greatest" version of Lime Wire.

-Frustrated.... but I need help.

Krieger88 September 20th, 2002 12:29 AM

Just ignore the corruption message. Maybe one or two bytes have changed - neither mp3s nor videos will be unusable because of a little corruption. You will probably not even notice it.

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