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mellijae July 4th, 2003 10:03 AM

Help Me!!!!
I am a mac user and i have no problems saving my files. however when i double click the completed song, or highlight it and click doesn't play them in ITunes which is what i use. it shows up as a blank file and i have to use Sherlock Finder to find the file name then click to open using Itunes and then it will play in ITunes. this is just such a pain!!! how do i make it directly open in Itunes? they are saved in my Itunes folder.

Blackbird July 4th, 2003 11:32 AM

Depends on which OS you have. I'll go through both.

If you have os X, go to an mp3 file and click get info. Go to "Open with" and select itunes to open mp3 files.

If you have os 9, go to the file exchange control panel, and find the mp3 setting. Choose itunes as the helper application.

mellijae July 4th, 2003 12:02 PM

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! if i have multiples in there (like mp3 twice) and both point to ITunes, would it make a difference in my computer's speed if I delete one of them? or is that bad to delete (remove) one?

Blackbird July 4th, 2003 07:56 PM

I assume you mean the file exchange in os 9. No, don't delete any of the filetypes. They might be different in a subtle way (such as one is for internet plugins while the other one is for files).

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