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Swimming With Sharks September 12th, 2003 01:41 AM

Limewire not working for me...
I've been using limewire for quite sometime but with very little or no success.
Everytime i try to download something i always get the same message "awaiting sources".
I followed the suggestions posted by the moderator but with very little success.
Are there other people with this very frustrating problem or am i just doing something wrong?

stief September 12th, 2003 08:00 PM

There are many reasons downloads fail--I've had problems with my Mac settings, router settings, cablemodem, my ISP, old versions and just bad luck sometimes. However, I can download pretty successfully now with the new versions and a set-up I can trust.

If you're doing something "wrong", someone might be able to help if they knew what machine and connection type you use for starts. You can find much of that information in the "Sample Bug Reports" of the Limewire Options/Preferences.


Chrome September 19th, 2003 10:32 AM

You may get "awaiting sources" for all your downloads forever actually. There is a bug or something written in that will black-list some users so they can't download anything. At one time not long ago I was able to download almost everything, then one day nothing at all. It's been like this for months now. Time to give up. My other computer with LW downloads more on a dail-up (80%) than my T3 does (0%.) Reinstalling won't work BTW. I'm on a Mac with both set-ups. I have not got answer from anyone on this. My settings and equiptment have not day it just stopped working.

Chrome September 19th, 2003 12:30 PM

Found the solution!!! CTO sent this out to a bunch of digruntled reviewers on "VersionTracker"...It works!!!

Here is the secret about the awaiting sources state of downloads. We (the developers) had to take out the automated requerying that use to occur within LimeWire. This type of automated activity was what killed the original Gnutella network. However, if you have a download in the awaiting sources state, what you can do is manually type a more specific search for the file name and the download will kick in automatically!!

There is really no way right now to do this automatically without causing network overload. We are trying to rely on the "download mesh" per file but if some users don't do a full search on the specific file then the download mesh doesn't get fully connected and populated. Once one user does a specific search, it should help all users. In the future we may be able to rely on what is called a DHT (distributed hash table) but the implementation and maintenance of these have various issues. In the meantime, we need one person at least to manually search for and kickoff specific searches/downloads to bootstrap the download mesh per file.

Please quit dissing the developers here. I believe that we have some of the smartest P2P developers at LimeWire. We have gone a long way in taking the preexisting Gnutella network and creating something that works quite well. To those of you that have a lot of problems, I find that a great mystery. With millions of users, some will always have problems. We just don't have any problems with any of our tests. If there are consistent problems, please register the issues at And finally, we are working on putting out better changelogs. We are just very focused on developing and getting out good versions. Given that we are open source, this occasionally means that we need to release multiple versions in order to fix all the diverse problems that can arise.


CTO, Lime Wire

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