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iloveme1007 June 9th, 2004 08:41 AM

Change in progress
Some of my files will say %95, %77 etc, but when I look back to see if they have finished, they've gone down. Now they're at like %35. Why are they doing this?

murasame June 9th, 2004 05:48 PM

Do you get that a lot? I occasionally had a dld that would go to some percentage and then drop back down to 0% and start all over. Whenever I encountered that, I just killed the restarted dld, clicked the Incompletes folder under the Library Tab and resumed the dld from there. If I remember well, most of the times (at least) this managed to get the dld to finish properly. Of course, while looking for the dld in the Incompletes, you have to look for a file that's about the size that would correspond to the percentage of the dld before the restart (if you get what I mean).

et voilą June 9th, 2004 06:46 PM

Salut, this is a new function in LW 4.0: tiger tree hashing system. It divides a file in parts that have each an individual hash (or identity by mathematical measure computation). If after you downloaded a part it has a different hash than the one uploaders gave to you, it means there is corruption in that part and LW will then cut that part to download it again. This system ensures that you share a non corrupted file on Gnutella either in the partial file sharing in LW and at the end of the dl. It might be frustrating, but *it is* progress.

Bonne chance :cool:

murasame June 9th, 2004 09:00 PM

Ahhhh, the mystery is solved!
If iloveme has the latest LW that is. You see, I got that when I was still using 3.8.something. Maybe my version back then developed this feature all by itself... Creepy...

Fungi14 June 14th, 2004 01:54 AM

Remote Config
It could be the work of a remote config...if they do those in Limewire, which they do in Bearshare.

I didn't like the Bear because it would use the settings it thought was best and override my settings (say I set 3 in queue it would change to 5 or so) Nice, total power never ever solves you can tell by me now being a Limewire devoted user.

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