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Jericko69 August 16th, 2004 02:23 PM

I'm having problems saving files to my HDD
Okay, I just bought PRO and i'm starting to feel ripped off.

It plays on my computer, but when I save the file it comes up as an unknown file source... Is threre some sort of pre-set that I need to do before it works?

And I didn't let it scan my computer because I was in a rush, should I let it scan? and if so, how do I bring the scan screen up again?

Thanks :).

Lord of the Rings August 16th, 2004 04:58 PM

To my understanding the scan on windows is regards to possible share folders. It's not nessesary to let it scan. Go to LW's menu Tools-Options & Saving & check the dwnld folder. It might be worth reselecting this folder & pressing apply. There might be something not so correct about the installation. So go thru your preferences (Tools-Options-... various options & select what suits U & your computer.

The only other option I can think of is that you've dwnlded a corrupt file. Which can happen, there's plenty out there unfortunately.

U would need to reinstall again to bring up the scan window but it's not necessary.

Check out these threads to help you optimize your LW:


Jericko69 August 16th, 2004 06:49 PM

I don't get it.

I thought this was gping to be exactly like Kazaa where it stores the file directly to your harddrive.

Oh well...

Thanks anyway =\.

Jericko69 August 20th, 2004 06:30 AM

Well they could make it less of a PITA to find my files by making a "my shared files" default source or something.

No need to get snappy, I'm just not sure why I cant find my files.

Edit: OMG, I found it...

Now I understand... Thanks joo :).

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