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legacyken December 20th, 2004 05:41 AM

Disapearing downloads 4.2.6
I'm a windows user with 4meg broadband. I leave limewire running permantly. Since updating to 4.2.6 my list of download files has twice shrunk overnight.

I start the night with say 100 files to download. I recive 20 or so but only 30 remain on my list. Whats happened to the other 50. They are not elsewere on the PC. Its a bit of a pain searching for these files again as the files Im looking for are hard to find. More often than not resulting in none found. Once ive found a source i dont like loosing it again.

I did not have this problem before i upgraded.

Any suggestions

Lord of the Rings December 20th, 2004 05:58 AM

Check your Tools>Options>Downloads & is Auto-clear completed Dwnlds ticked? And you used the Explore button to check your Saved Files folder from LW's Library window?
It might be a bug.

legacyken December 20th, 2004 07:32 AM

auto clear is tick'd but the missing files are not in saved. (some files are in saved so i dont think its that).

I've untick'd autoclear to see if makes a differance. But 2 nights since 4.2.6 loaded and 2 nights of missing files does seem a little odd when things were fine before that.

As you say it could be a bug. I'll count the downloads tonight and see what ive got tomorrow. ill keep you posted.

legacyken December 20th, 2004 10:44 AM

missing downloads

Having spent some time today searching again for my required downloads, I have noticed that many of the files that went missing overnight are being found with the broken page symbal next to them as if the download had been terminated.

I know the download was not terminated from my computer and wonder if the system is in some way doing it.

legacyken December 22nd, 2004 10:21 AM

missing downloads update
things seem to have settled down now. On reflection it would appear that the affected files were all on the download list before I updated to 4.2.6. It looks like the update may have affected them in some way.

New additions are behaving properly.

Lord of the Rings December 22nd, 2004 10:31 AM

That's good news but odd all the same. I've never had issues with dwnlds/incompletes after updating LW, but I have had an issue with incompletes when I went to an earlier version (eg: LW 4.1.7 back to LW 4.0.4, I didn't have that issue with 4.1.4 or 5 going backward)

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