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jtenney January 1st, 2005 05:55 PM

Losing partial files when I go offline
Hello all--

I've been using Limewire for quite awhile, and this problem is fairly new. I have data disappear when I go offline and then reopen Limewire. What showed in the status window as, for instance, 50% complete now shows up in my "incomplete" folder on my desktop (I run Mac OSX) with zero K. Anyone else have experience with this? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks, and happy New Year to all.

John Tenney

Hershy January 4th, 2005 06:22 AM

Hi I don't know if this is the same problem that I had. Once I accidently clicked on the clear inactive button, and some of my half-downloaded files disappeared. But when I search for the file again and was lucky enough to download the same file, it resume downloading from where it stopped.

jtenney January 4th, 2005 12:10 PM

Hershy, it's not the same problem. I have always stayed away from the "inactive" button 'cause I was afraid I might wipe something out. No, for me it happens spontaneously, not often but enough that it bugs me. No rhyme or reason to it. Argh.

Lord of the Rings January 4th, 2005 01:40 PM

Never use the Force Resume function unless an absolute last resort!!! This will result in such issues. Are you sure it's the exact same file that's started to dwnld the next time you open LW? The best way to check is to look at your incomplete folder & see the sizes & modified dates of these files. I often had that issue with earlier version of LW but it wasn't the same copy of the file (despite the same name ... but from a different source that LW saw as a different file!)

I suppose just before you close LW, make a copy of both your limewire.dat & bak files & then re-add them to your incomplete folder before you re-open LW.

jtenney January 4th, 2005 03:32 PM

Thanks, Lord of the Rings! I'll check all this out.

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