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ScottishStumps January 4th, 2005 09:06 PM

Always "Queued" with Downloads (solved)
Just recently, anything I try to download will be "queued" and won't load. I tried images, songs, videos, and even tried different users. Just recently, I unpluged and pluged all the cords and restarted my computer, and still this problem happens.

My version of Limewire is the recent version of "Basic," and have Windows XP with current updates running with Quest DSL, if that helps any.

Lord of the Rings January 5th, 2005 02:23 AM

1. Allow LW to settle before doing any searching. It is normal for all incomplete files to be queued when LW 1st opens. How long it takes depends on how many incomplete & shared files you have.

2. Don't use the Resume or Find Sources button on many files. If you use it on many it will result in the files queueing for much, much longer than normal. It can also affect LW's connection quality & slow LW down.

3. Make a note of your LW option settings. Then delete LW's Preferences folder called .limewire (whilst LW is closed!) & found here: C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire

Here's some other hints: A well set-up LW can start to automatically continue its dwnlding after it's settled down perhaps 2 out of 3 times you open LW. Optimising LW & Maximising Uplds & Dwnlds A (1st post only) & also Part B which is even better & last & least are search & dwnld hints. The latter one I've been thinking about re-writing for some time. That's just for playing it safe. eg- I show all speeds & qualities.

ScottishStumps January 5th, 2005 04:45 PM

Thanks for the info. It now works again.

angelsarmiento January 5th, 2005 07:31 PM

I'm having the same problem, but even worse. I once left the computer connected all morning and, when coming back, everything was still queued. The tips haven't worked well, and I have an "Excellent" connection with my 512 KBPS DSL (I'm in Mexico) and share plenty of files.

I used to download with Gnucleus, but now every file I try to download gets the message "Waiting for more hosts...", and that happens in any of the computers served by my wireless router.

Lord of the Rings January 6th, 2005 12:10 AM

angelsarmiento if you use wireless router, it no doubt uses an internally set NAT firewall. Aftr LW has been on for at least 30 mins or more do this test: Bug Report instructions & sample image Is your result True/False?

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