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HOMOsapien January 12th, 2005 03:47 PM

No Results
Yup, I'm new at this and whenever I try to download media I get no results. The bar goes up as if it were getting the songs but no results show. I used to have no problems with Limewire until a couple of days ago. Now I can't get any results with any media. If you can help, please do. Thanks.

Lord of the Rings January 12th, 2005 04:24 PM

Delete the LW Preferences folder called .limewire (whilst LW is closed!) & found here: Windows NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP: C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire OR Windows 98 / ME: Your .limewire folder is in "C:\My Documents" OR OS X: /Users/your_username/Library/Preferences/LimeWire

For windows users try this also one by one:

1. Update your Java version 1.5 (take the JRE)

2. Repair LimeWire using the Add/Remove Programs utility. Go to Control Panel then Add/Remove Programs & click on Limewire on the Change/Remove button & it comes up with options and one of them is Repair. Try this.

3. Right-clicking the Limewire icon and going to properties and changed compatability setting to Windows 2000.

4. Right-click on the Limewire icon on the desktop and click on Run as. Then it should come up showing the current user and then switch it over to Administrator.

Lord of the Rings January 13th, 2005 08:12 PM

Did you configure your firewalls to allow LW full access:

From another thread I see you use XP. Do you have SP2? SP2 reduces simultaneous connections. There are patches but they don't always work. Many people have uninstalled SP2 & solved their issues. Unless you're running a large network & for business, SP2 is not really required, particularly for home users.

Might I suggest you try the new Beta which makes it easier to connect thru firewalls (but the firewalls still need to be configured.): Worth finding out if it fixes our woes! ;)

trap_jaw4 January 14th, 2005 02:06 AM

try going to options->speed and disable OOB searching

HOMOsapien January 14th, 2005 11:04 AM

Thanks for all your help Lord of the Rings but none of that works. Its weird. If I go to connections and click on one of the ISP's that are downloading from me I can get all their media and download it fine. Its only when I search for something on my own when no results come up. However, the gray bar slowly goes up as if it were getting the songs. The only problem is that it is not showing them on the screen.

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 11:07 AM

Try this: Delete the LW Preferences folder called .limewire (whilst LW is closed!) & found here: Windows NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP: C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire OR Windows 98 / ME: Your .limewire folder is in "C:\My Documents" (BUT make a note of all your LW settings 1st, b/c after you delete the LW prefs folder you'll need to reset them.)

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 11:14 AM

Something else to try, close all your LW windows that you're not using at that time (eg: connections & monitor windows.) Have Downloads set to Auto-clear completed downlds. Turn the LW media player off whilst you're doing searches. Delete search results that are several hours old. Don't use the Resume/Find Sources function (xcept perhaps on the odd file.) Go to Tools>Options>Speed & tick Disable UP capabilities & press the Apply button. Don't use other p2p apps at the same time as LW.

To add to that, defragment your hard disk drives, which if you're a heavy user of LW should be done on a reasonably frequent basis. Fragmented HDD's can result in slow responses for apps & unpredictable results.

HOMOsapien January 14th, 2005 02:41 PM

I'm still trying all kinds of things but nothing is working. However, another computer in my house is also using limewire and is also having the same problem i am having. I think we're on a network and connect to the same router/modem. Do you think the cause of this problem could be a problem with my home network????

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 02:45 PM

What type of network do you have? an you give us a total desciption of your set up: 1. OS version, 2. What firewalls you have, 3. ram, 4. HDD space available, 5. Connection type, 6. Modem & router brand name & model numbers?

aviator11 January 14th, 2005 03:57 PM

It must be some new bug. You're not the only one. The thread entitled "no search results ** EVER" below is the same problem. I'm starting to wonder if my ISP didn't start something up that's blocking me. Anyone else using Insight?

HOMOsapien January 14th, 2005 04:09 PM

Now before I give you all this info let me tell you that I am, by no means a "computer genius," but I think I found everything you need.

OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition

RAM: 448 MB of RAM

Connection type: High Speed Internet

Modem/Router: Linksys router and 56 bit home connect modem (model #: 3cr29220)

Hope this helps!

PS yeah Im using insight

aviator11 January 14th, 2005 09:05 PM

Uh oh...not a good sign that we're both using the same ISP and having the same problem. There was a guy on the other thread named Ryleguy or something. Ryle is a school around here...wonder if he's an Insight customer as well...

Lord of the Rings...can you give me some idea of what questions to ask my ISP to figure out this problem. Are there any common issues with ISP's and Limewire that you know of?

Lord of the Rings January 15th, 2005 02:24 AM

I think the no. you gave me for the Linksys router is the serial no. & not the model no.

After LW has been open for about 30 mins do this test: Bug Report instructions & sample image Is it True/False?

Instead of choosing an audio type search, try a general search. eg: artist name - title, or just artist name

56 bit home connect modem
Is that a dial up modem or cable or adsl/broadband?

HOMOsapien January 15th, 2005 08:28 AM

That was the model number for the modem which is broadband. I have a 2.4 GHZ wireless broadband router model number: WRT54GS. I always type in the name of the artist and thats the problem. For example, if I go to audio and scroll down to "country" the same three songs show up everytime.

You don't think that by me hooking up Insight digital cable had anything to do with this do you. Anyway, im convinced it is insight since everyone in my house uses limewire and is having the same problem, and so is Aviator who uses insight. If you find anything from insight let me know

Lord of the Rings January 15th, 2005 09:16 AM

Insight IS Blocking P2P
I've got some bad news! :(


3.Other results

OK you should forward a port in your router to allow port LW full access. However, to my understanding you can only port forward one port no. per computer. ie: the others would need to use a different port no. (eg: 6348, 6344...) or else they go without port forwarding.

1. You will need to set up a static ip for this to work. See Setting up Static IP on a Linksys & also see the link to a static ip in (point 2 below.)

2. I have 2 instructions for this. 1st try Port Forwarding for the Linksys WRT54G v1.1, v2 & CA but if you have any difficulty then see Linksys support instructions for port forwarding Use Port 6346 for the 1st (if only) computer.

3. You should also Force IP within LW: Force IP instructions & sample image

If you do port forward a different port for the other comp's then within LW you'll need to change the port setting to the same no.'s ! eg: Comp A be port forwarded (PW) with 6346 & LW left to default 6346, Comp B PW with 6348 & LW's Port & Firewall settings changed to port 6348, etc.

IckyRoss January 19th, 2005 11:59 AM

Insight user here. I have the same problem with no search results being displayed. It just started a few day ago.

Can we get around this?

Lord of the Rings January 19th, 2005 12:17 PM

As I suggested in the other thread. You are paying for a service but they are either blocking or filtering p2p. Tell them you want to use p2p & ask to speak to the person in charge. Often the person who answers the telephone is not a person who has the authority to change your status. You are aware of what's happening. In my country there's avenues for complaint if they should prove to be stubborn.

Ne0teric January 20th, 2005 04:01 AM

hi guys, i read this post and happen to have the same coincidence, i have the insightbb isp service and my p2p apps stopped working around 5 days ago and i notice thats the same date of Lord's post that says INSIGHT IS FILTERING P2P so its safe to say that insight ****ing sucks balls. i will be switching isp's shortly cuz i've been thinking for a few days now that it was my ISP ****ing with the settings and as the time goes on, im being more convinced that i was right

HOMOsapien January 20th, 2005 12:26 PM

Yo Lord, I know you told us to call Insight, but can they do anything to just one user or if they do it to one they have to do it to all clients. Do you just want us to complain to them or can they do something to change only my home network and allow P2P sharing??

Ne0teric January 21st, 2005 01:18 AM

i've called insight and even did a live chat session... that isnt going to do ****... the ppl u talk too really have no damn clue about wtf they are talking about, i mean they will say we dont do this we dont do that and all this other **** but then pop a question like then who is mediacom eh or why is sandvine in touch with your service and then you will notice how dumb them stupid ****s really are and mediacom are the ppl actually doing the blocking of the ports thats why insightBB can say they are only blocking "4" ports but you know they know of the doing's by mediacom. i have another cable choice in town called ZOOMTOWN and my dad happens to have it so i went over to his house and d/led and tried all of the P2P programs onto his cpu that no longer work on mines w/ having Insightbb and it worked fine and i didnt have to mess w/ any option settings (as i feel unless you have a firewall or router) none of those tips really even need done as i feel they dont help at all. WHAT I AM GOING TO DO TO VOICE MY OPINION THE LOUDEST IS CALL THEM UP AND TELL THEM OF THEIR STUIPD **** THEN TELL THEM I WANT MY SERVICE CANCELLED AND I'M SWITCHING OVER TO ZOOMTOWN, THATS THE LOUDEST VOICE U COULD MAKE TO THE COMPANY FOR THEM TO GET THERE **** STRAIGHT AND DO IT FOR THE PPL WHO HAVE ONLY 1 CABLE INTERNET OPTION (INSIGHT) SO HOPEFULLY THOSE PPL DONT STAY ****ED FOREVER

denno50 January 22nd, 2005 01:59 PM

same problem
I have been using limewire for over a year and it has worked great. I also have high speed cable internet. I updated limewire, and now i cant find a single search result. I have tried everything you have put on here lord of the rings but nothing will work. Somethings that you have posted I do not understand. One thing i didn't understand was erasing the .limwire folder i couldn't locate it. I'm only 17 so i don't understand some of the stuff you are talking about please help me! Thank you.

Ne0teric January 22nd, 2005 09:31 PM

your ports are now being filtered. there is nothing you can try and be successfull at finding results, ur only options are A) switch ISP's or B) download WinMX and download from there piece of crap network that they self-made

geritar January 23rd, 2005 01:36 PM

Similar Problem
Hey guys, I was searching for a solution to my own problem, and this was the closest I could get. I also cannot get any search results with Limewire, except for a select few.

However, I have the ethernet, provided by my apartment complex, and I never had a problem with Limewire until recently. I just got a new computer for Christmas, and promptly installed Limewire, and it worked fine. Then about 3 days later, I stopped recieving as many search results.

After much puzzling, I came to the conclusion that the only search results I was recieving were the files from the hosts I am connected to under the "connections" tab. For example, if I select the "punk rock" genre under the search field, I will only get the punk rock songs that the three "ultrapeers" have on their computers. I am ALWAYS connected to the exact same three hosts, one of whom is named "AMANDA." I can browse these people's files with no problem and DL their files at amazing speeds, but I can't access any other files!

I have tried everything, including (but not limited to):

-uninstalling and reinstalling Limewire about 3 times
-deleting my entire hard-drive and starting over
-restoring factory defaults
-deleting the .limewire file and all other things LoTR mentioned

So... any suggestions?

(I know that post was waaaay long, but they said be detailed and specific... so yeah. ;))

stief January 23rd, 2005 02:06 PM

It may be the administrator of your apartment network changed the router . . .

If those results are "blue stars" under speed, then you are getting only results from your local area network (LAN). Ask whoever configures the router for the LAN in your apartment to open port 6346.

btw--I've never seen a connection to an "Amanda"

aviator11 January 27th, 2005 08:36 AM

Well, I am completely out of options it seems. Are my p2p days over? Insight has no answers, the forum has no answers. Still no results after trying all suggestions. Insight insists that it is not their network and the tech support folks say that LW is working fine at their homes using Insight.

Lord of the Rings January 27th, 2005 08:54 AM

One person came up with a solution. Why not try it: Important!!!!!!! A Fix for those whose ISP's block Limewire

Ne0teric January 27th, 2005 12:38 PM

i'm the one that came up with the solution =]

tallcool1 January 29th, 2005 05:39 AM

Insight blocking P2P
To any and all Insight users in the Northern KY area - here's a reply I got from their support. I say flood this guy with complaints.

Thanks for your email. I'm sorry to hear you are having difficulties with P2P applications. It is not Insight's policy to block P2P traffic.

Can you (and the other users, if possible) get me some more information, so I can look into this further? What specific apps are you using? Do you know the ISPs of the hosts you are having trouble with? Are there particular error messages? Any information you can get me would be helpful.


John Bedinghaus

Insight Support/Northern Kentucky

859.431.0300 x456

Satanzlilhelper January 30th, 2005 10:39 AM

I'm trying to use Ne0teric's method, but one problem; I can't find the "force ip" button, where is it?

Lord of the Rings January 30th, 2005 10:41 AM

I posted a link to it & it's also listed on page one of this thread.

fabion January 30th, 2005 11:03 AM

Hi LotR:D

In the free windows installer version beta 4.3.3 and the free windows installer version of 4.4 beta, which I upgraded to last night there "is not" a force IP option. Am I missing something, other than my mind that is.:)

Lord of the Rings January 30th, 2005 11:15 AM

Yeah in the details of what's new/changes in the beta the firewall config has been changed. I didn't notice this had changed the force ip option. Sorry about that. :rolleyes:

So I'll have to see how this works before I can comment. The beta 4.3.3 & 4.4 are suppose to have much improved firewall to firewall connectivity. That's all I know. Ouch I'm getting a headache! :confused: :D :(

I missed what was going on with the betas. When 4.3 came out the developer said 4.4 would be out very shortly so I hesitated. I usually try out the betas. So I'm a bit behind the times here.

You can see an image of the firewall section here:

So if UPnP is not supported you'd need to use the 2nd option.

fabion January 30th, 2005 01:33 PM

Thanks LotR: My version of LW 4.4.0 beta seems to be working fantasticly. I am consistently getting Download speeds of 120 kb/s provided the hosts can support it, and the upload speeds seems to vary between 1 kb/s to 70 kb/s depending on how may are uploading at the time and if I am downloading.:D :cool: :p

PS: I am also running as an UltraPeer now with 30 peers and 30 leaves. My searchs are about the same as they were before when I was a leaf.

WindowsXP MCE
Norton Internet Security 2004
LimeWire 4.4.0 Beta (connection speed T-1)
Intel P4 3.0 Ghz processor hyperthreading technology
512 Mb DDR2 (PC4200@533 Mhz) RAM
1 Gb Broadcom 57xxx ethernet card
Actiontec DSL Modem/with wireless gateway.
other toys
Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
SB Audigy 2 sound card
Radeon 300XE Video card (256 Mb Ram) VGA,DVI,TV out

It's not a MAC but it works.:(

aviator11 February 1st, 2005 05:03 PM

Tried all suggestions with no luck. Had the same experience as above with Insight tech support and customer service. They also are sure to tell you that LW is working great for them and they live right up the street.

I am about ready to sign up for DSL just to see if the ISP is actually the problem. It's driving me nuts!!

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