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Psychou April 22nd, 2005 04:17 PM

Downloading speed problems
Unfortunatly, at my home, I run a dialup connection. However, recently, I have moved my computer to another home, and hooked it up to a broadband connection.

And here is where my problem arises..

It seems that Limewire still thinks I'm running on dialup. Although this connection is capable of 512 kbps, Limewire can't seem to download faster than 5kbps, my old connection speed.

I've tried everything I could think of. Changes my connection speed in 'Options' to reflect my new connection, reinstalled Limewire and ran the setup wizard, etc.

But like I said, only what I could think of. Anyone have any suggestions to help fix my problem? I would really love to be able to download at full speed.


Myros April 22nd, 2005 04:36 PM

Join the club.

I got Ares Lite lately, its running fine. The total reaches 20 kb. But its still not my connection's full capability.

Plus, Limewire has more users. However, my problem differs from yours in one factor, my d/ls run on 3-0 kbs, and I'm also on a 512 connection. :(

stigmata April 24th, 2005 05:49 AM

im in the same boat boyz(or girlz)

i have a new 512k connection and cant seem to go above 5kb/s

it goes to 5kb/s and then drops to 0kb/s

i tryed port fowarding and all dat stuff, still doesnt work...

someoneeeee helppp us!!!!!

et voilą April 24th, 2005 06:02 AM

Those things are repeated over and over:

If you dl from more hosts simultaneously, you'll get more speed.
Bigger files = usually less dl speed.
If you download from Shareaza users (RAZA vendor code) good luck to finish the download.
In options -> speed: you can select your connection speed, this will change the speed of downloads because:
Modem: you can only dl from 2 hosts simlmutaneously
Cable DSL: you can download from 6 hosts silmutaneously
T1/T3 and higher settings: you can download from 8 hosts simultaneously

Normally with firewall to firewall transfers in LW 4.2 and later, you should not really be penalized if you are firewalled in download speeds.

stigmata April 24th, 2005 06:09 AM

et voilą, i have tryed it all. Nothing seems to help, i always download from files with more than 20 users yet i still cant go past 5kb/s (after a while the download just stops)

et voilą April 24th, 2005 06:25 AM

Tell us what king of file, I presume movie, that's the place where Shareaza users hurt the most the Gnutella network download speeds.


Skeptic April 24th, 2005 01:06 PM

yea i'm pizzed off
Took me over 2 hours to download 2 tunes.. I have a broadband connection and a Dell 8250..AND I paid 50 bucks!!!
I'm sueing. :mad:

I don't even wanna think about how long it would take to download a movie.......

lassie April 24th, 2005 03:09 PM

how can't you be so bloody childishly ungrateful and selfishly expectant when you're getting for free - me thinks you have the wrong spirit - chill out, grow up.

Delbert Hinkfinkdinkler April 24th, 2005 05:21 PM

Heck Guys,I have a 785 kbs connection and can't seem to get above 5 kbs downloads!!! Every once in a while they will jump to 16 or so but it's usually only for a second or two then plummits right back to between 1 to 5 and some times even 0 I've tried everything !!! it says Ihave a TURBO CHARGED connection,Man if thats turbo I'd hate to see any slower!!!,I recently spent the $20.00 and upgraded to pro thinking that would cure the problem to NO availe. But I guess Since I bought it I'll keep on using it.

Skeptic April 24th, 2005 11:06 PM


Originally posted by lassie
how can't you be so bloody childishly ungrateful and selfishly expectant when you're getting for free - me thinks you have the wrong spirit - chill out, grow up.
Yeah if it was actually free you would have a point.
But since it's not..

GeoFan49 April 25th, 2005 03:54 AM

Did any of you try shelling out $18 for LimeWire PRO? I did, seems 2x-4x faster... subjectively...

When connecting to other LimeWire/Gnutella peers, I see variations from less than 1kB/sec to over 50kB/sec... depends mostly on THEIR options config, and on THEIR network connection, it seems to me...

GeoFan49 April 25th, 2005 06:26 PM

Another suggestion, try it and report back here, please??

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