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jillliew July 18th, 2005 03:13 AM

Corrupt Files After Win XP SP2 Install
A couple of days ago I installed SP2 and I thought everything went ok besides the Windows Firewall trying to take over my computer. I use Sygate and I don't need or want their crappy firewall. I think I turned it off in My Computer, under Manage. Maybe I screwed up and didn't do it right. I would have contacted MS about this problem, but I don't exactly want to tell them what I am doing and having problems with.

Today I downloaded 10 music files, first since SP2. Afterwards I played them in WinAmp and discovered that the first track was corrupt. Played about 20 seconds, then play the same thing over and over again. Thinking I had a corrupt file, big deal, I played another one, totally different track and it played the same thing the first one did, as did all of them after I tested them. How can I download 10 different files, 10 different titles, I'm not sure about the host, and get the same song and same corruption in each of them. I have 5 different players and the same thing happened in all of them. I use WinAmp the most so I uninstalled and reinstalled it, along with Lime Wire (not pro). I'm not tearing my hair out yet, but I'm close. If anyone has/had the same problem, or can help, I would appreciate it. My previous downloads play fine. TIA Jilliew


jilliew July 19th, 2005 08:53 PM

Well, no need to answer, I figured out what was going on and it doesn't have anything to do with SP2. I was trying to download songs from the new movie A**e because there are some cool Mick J**r songs. And everyone of them are corrupt. I don't know if it's a member playing silly cames or if the producer of the CD has them fixed so they download corrupted. I downloaded some other stuff from several different searches and they all played fine. First time I've ever had a major problem like that. Damn, I wanted those songs.

We do not want to know about specific files you're downlding! Forum Rules (click here)

Lord of the Rings July 19th, 2005 11:26 PM

It happens to the most recently released material. Guess who would do that?! See T3 Spammers; mp3 Bit-Rates Versus File Sizes

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