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AzraelStcloud August 21st, 2006 08:18 AM

the Incomplete File problem
i've noticed something when i click downloads, if you go to your library, there's a section called incomplete files, now i can understand the ones your currently downloading go there but i saw that alot of the files that i previously selected to download had disappeared from my downloading screen and only show up in the incomplete file folder, am i making sense? i'd like to know if their still being downloaded or if i need to do something to get them back in queue.

Lord of the Rings August 21st, 2006 09:28 AM

Every downld you select will create an incomplete file. If you cancel a downld, then you'll still have that incomplete. Also ... for some reason LW sometimes creates a 2nd or even 3rd incomplete file for the one downld.

Check that you haven't alread downlded those files or if they were ones you cancelled. If you really want to continue them then select them & press the Resume button which will force them back into the downld window.

But then again, if you'd like to clean up, then see Tip: Purge the Downloads Queue!. And apply it to files with zero % downld or less than 25 KB file size. Getting rid of incompletes not wanted can speed up LW opening. ;) The link is for mac, but the principle is the same.

BTW if a file has completed downlding (100%) then LW will move it from the incomplete folder to the Saved Files folder.

AzraelStcloud August 21st, 2006 11:13 AM

i've noticed that whenever i click clear inactive downloads it clears away all 0% downloaded downloads also, i'm a former kazaa user and the way they did it was that function would only clear away the cancelled or finished downloads, i'm guessing that this function differs?

Lord of the Rings August 21st, 2006 12:07 PM

I never use that function. Mainly because I usually seek rare files. So I might not be able to downld them one day but perhaps some weeks or months later I can get lucky with them.

If I clear downloads & incompletes I don't want, I do them individually (or perhaps select a few using SHIFT key.) It takes longer for me but as suggested I do like to keep those I'm in hope of getting some time in the future.

BTW if you ever preview files, LW creates preview files within the incomplete folder. After downlding these should be manually deleted. They will look like: PREVIEW-T-358**-title.ext etc.
To get around this, I launch the files from the incomplete folder in the LW Library window.

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