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beadie September 20th, 2006 09:57 AM

hi im new here and in need of help!
Is there any way at all to find out the download history of limewire in my computer even if the files have already been erased?

Sleepless September 20th, 2006 05:35 PM

Depends on how advanced you want to make this

Deleted files can be recovered using various recovery programs unless they have been overwritten.

Your IP will show up in the monitor tab of any hosts that you are downloading from and what file you are downloading.

Also I'm pretty sure that if someone were to enable all logs in the console tab and save these. It would be possible to at least see that you have been sending requests/downloading from them and maybe even what files if this person/organisation had advanced knowledge in how to read the code.

BTW that third one is more a guess than anything else

Lord of the Rings September 20th, 2006 05:40 PM

Search history is cleared after closing LW. If you're downlding anything naughty, then anything that didn't finish downloading will still be in the incomplete folder.

beadie September 22nd, 2006 02:43 AM

thing is...
real reason is i have my boyfriends laptop now and i wna find out what hes been doing with it for the past 2 years. just curious and all. were in a long distance relationship so i just want to make sure. I really want to know what files he used to have een if he erased them all already.

and also u think i can find out what he does in the internet evn if i cant get a hold of his computer physicaly. cuz hes so far. can i do something over the internet to find out?

ukbobboy01 September 22nd, 2006 04:07 AM

Junior Member Beadie

What you are really after is Police powers and several search warrants, all I can say is "Thank Goodness these powers are not available to the general public".

If you don't trust your boyfriend then talk over your problems with him.

UK Bob

wondering why September 22nd, 2006 04:16 AM

Hmmmm, strange thread this one....On one hand she says she has his laptop and then goes onto say she cant get hold of his computer....:yikes:

ukbobboy01 September 22nd, 2006 04:34 AM


This lady Beadie does not trust her MAN, still if there is no trust in a relationship then there is no relationship.

UK Bob

Sleepless September 22nd, 2006 06:20 AM

Or maybe just looking for an excuse to break up

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