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polygaryd May 15th, 2007 05:21 PM

direct connect downloading problem help!!!!
ok guys help me out. this is pissing me off. i have port forwarded the port 10000 for limewire by suggestion of the site in limewire i put in manual port forward box 10000 and the listening port on 10000 now other people can direct connect to me and download files no problem. i have tried port forwarding the same port 10000 on my girlfriends desktop through her router and i can connect and browse her files no problem but CANT download them, every one of them are complete files, they are shared, they are in the correct folder. every single file i try to download says connecting then almost immediately "waiting on busy hosts". noone else is downloading from her computer through limewire or any other program. she has no firewalls. software wise period and the router one is disabled anyway. chat is enabled in limewire so what the hell could be wrong? why does mine work and when i set hers up the same way i can browse but not download? NOTE i am using a westel dsl wireless modem/router so my dsl modem and router are in one unit, she has a linksys wrt54gV2 router and i am unsure of the cable modem she is using.. help me out please..


birdy May 15th, 2007 08:10 PM

Make sure your girlfriend doesn't have her upload slots set at zero. When you're trying to download from her, if all of her upload slots are full (other people downloading from her) then you'll get that busy hosts message. Does she see regular upuloads of her files? Some ISPs do limit uploads...who is her ISP?

Grandpa May 15th, 2007 09:04 PM

Is she on Comcast.

polygaryd May 16th, 2007 03:16 PM

direct connect downloading issue
she has cox for an isp and she just installed limewire pro with all default setting except the firewall settings i mentioned above so her upload slots should not be zero but i will look into it and i will look into how many people are uploading her files at once to see if that is blocking me. she doesnt have many files in her shared folder so i dont know if this is going to solve anything but hopefully it does and thanx a bunch for the help cuz this is driving me nuts!!

birdy May 16th, 2007 03:45 PM

If she's not seeing uploads from other people, Cox might be the problem. Check out this thread, there's some interesting info in post #9.

polygaryd May 16th, 2007 04:18 PM

direct connect downloading issue
we checked the upload slots and they are at 20 3 per person the bandwidth is 100%, like i said all defaults. tried to download from her again and still nothing. but i can browse her files still. so i am going to read that other thread and see what it says.. any other idea would be greatly appreciated

polygaryd May 16th, 2007 06:28 PM

direct connect downloading issue
ok i read a lot of posts in more threads like the one you suggested and it definitly seems that comcast and cox isps suck at life.. is there anyway to stop them from doing this. i read one guy got his isp to exclude him from the blocking/throttling issue but she cant do it and she lives in arizona right now i am still in mass... i dont know if i could call them for her and put up a stink about how they suck and should stop the block...

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