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featheree September 22nd, 2008 07:31 PM

LW only searching files that only open in MP3 Sound Format and not MPEG-4 Audio file.
:bangh: LW is only searching/resulting w/the files that have the MP3 Sound Format in it, these open up only in Windows media player...I have always been downloading files w/ the MPEG-4 Audio File, which I can click on in the completed downloads box and they automatically open in my Itunes library. I have LW 4.18.8 and Java 1.6.0_05. I just downloaded the new LW and noticed that it started doing this when i upgraded. I also noticed that when i upgraded to the new LW that there was a choice of the two kinds of files but the next time i searched there was only the MP3 file that opened in Windows media player...It also seems to depend on who I am searching for that I even get the choice. But mainly it's always the MP3...
I have Windows XP, broadband and search from my house, I share all my music, and have looked and looked and looked to see what I could change.
Oh and I also recently tried to switch from IE to Safari and went back to IE b/c of kinks w/ safari.

birdy September 22nd, 2008 08:18 PM

If you think that this is a new problem with the latest LW, you can go to this other forum & post there: LimeWire Forums

Don't forget that each time you open LW, you'll connect to diffferent users for searching & so your results can vary a lot.

You could also try searching for artist name - m4a, or song title - m4a.

If you really don't want to see any mp3 results, you can add .mp3 to your keyword filter (tools > options > filters > keyword).

featheree September 22nd, 2008 08:47 PM

itunes not set as default player...
It seems to be fixed...?
I can download both types of files and can open them in Itunes once itunes alerted me that it was not my default player...must have been a kink when i switched back to IE...duh.
thank you for your reply and hope this helps someone!

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