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herbalife March 5th, 2002 06:52 PM

Is Limewire realy so slow or did I do any error?
I migrated from Morpheus to Limewire and I'm shocked about the velocity.

I got about 40 threads open, my Max-DL = 8, only 1 or 2 DLs running, the rest is requesting and the running ones mostly with 0kbs velocity. I got an 256k DSL connection.

Is there anything I can do or may I only wait for musiccity resolves there problems?

I also canīt resume my interruptrd downloads or if so, limewire doesn't show, it's working on. I can see the incomplete folder with the filelist, but it shows no option for to resume a DL.

Could U give me any good idea?
Anybody knows a patch or fix for this problem

Thx a lot and see u on gamesite2000 in the gammon room. pls indicate my name when creating your account as a guest "herbalife"

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