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grandpas March 1st, 2003 10:25 AM

I would like to know how to improve the cconnections.

I have downloaded macphex (I use a mac) and it takes a long time to get a connection.

And I have 2 or 3 connections at max.

Thank you

floppyzedolfin April 17th, 2003 09:30 AM

same for me.
is there something wrong with my version (i'm also on mac)? (my version is 0,8 (v,34) )
how many connections do the other people get?

GregorK April 25th, 2003 12:27 AM

To get connected:
Configure a HTTP Proxy if necessary and query GWebCache a few times until you get connections.
The GWebCache provides you with fresh hosts that are used to update your phex.hosts file.

To stay well connected:
This is more difficult and not a problem of Phex itself.
Currently many of the other vendors like Limewire and Bearshare are clustering there servents and only let a limited number of other vendors connect to them. This unintentionally makes connections to them very unstable, since they continuously disconnect you or prohibit a connection from you. They are aware of this problem and its hopefully solved soon.
Until then connections to Limewire or Bearshare might get lost suddenly and you might have to wait a bit longer until you find other stable connections.

In the future Phex tryes to solve this problem by providing own Ultrapeers in following releases.


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