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Unregistered February 9th, 2002 03:25 AM

Gnutella Chat Extensions
Ok, everyone, here is it, here are my ideas about chatting in gnutella, please be so kind and give me some feedback..

[English version, Deutsch steht weiter unten]
(translation, if there are any mistakes write me a letter or
an email*g*)

In this file there are theoretical thoughts to add a chat module
to Gnutella. It's all very general but i hope it's useful for
someone (interest in realizing? any ideas? mailto:
To add a Chat into Gnutella, you have to pay attention that you
combine two completely different protocols.
The Gnutella protocol cannot guarantee that a message (->TTL-
Setting) reaches the recipent, that's why you never get 100%
of the files for one search string are viewable.
But if you chat, it's necessary that sender and recipent can
reach each other at every time, multiple.

But how can that be realized?

At first, we must define a room for messages. That means, that
one servent must start being a Chat-Host. This host has now
his IP and a chat-ROOMNAME, by which he can be found in the
network. Other users can now search for the room name (or topic
or user) and find the host. When they connect, they login to the
room and the Client-Servent-PC builds a direct connection to the
Furtheron, every Client has do know all the other client-IPs in
the chat room, because:
What happenes, if the original host goes offline? Then, an other
client has to take over the host-function.
Best is, if this happenes through an weigh of ONLINE-TIME (because
"young" hosts may go offline after a short time) and the
PING-value (the chat should be as fast as possible...)

Also, i can imagine to implement a "Direkt-Download" option -
if one chatter searches for a file that another one has, you don't
have to search for (less waste of time and traffic), both of the
clients only build up a direct connection.

(How would it be, if one client could view a file list of an other
without a fuzzy web search? This is also w/o a chat of interest..!)

[Deutsche version, english see top of the file]

Dies sind theoretische Überlegungen, in GNUTELLA ein CHAT-Modul
einzubauen. Alles noch ziemlich allgemein gefasst aber ich hoff
es nützt jemanden (interesse bei der Realisierung? Ideen? melden

Um einen Chat in Gnutella zu implementieren muss man beachten,
daß man damit zwei vollkommen unterschiedliche Protokolle
versucht zu vereinen.
Das Gnutella-protokoll kann nicht garantieren, daß eine Nach-
richt (entsprechend TTL-Setting) es vom Absender bis zum Emp-
fänger schafft, deshalb wird man auch niemals 100% der Dateien
in Gnutella für ein Suchergebnis angezeigt bekommen.

Beim Chat ist es aber nötig daß Sender und Empfänger sich
ständig erreichen können, und das multipel.

Wie kann man sowas also realisieren?

Als erstes muss man einen abgegrenzten Raum für Nachrichten
spezifizieren. Das bedeutet also, daß ein Servent den Anfang
machen muss und sich als Chat-HOST zur Verfügung stellen muss.
Dieser Host hat nun, neben der IP, auch einen CHAT-RAUMNAMEN,
unter dem er im Netzwerk gefunden werden kann. Andere User
können also nach CHAT-RÄUMEN (oder Topic oder User) suchen
und finden diesen Rechner.
Wenn sie sich verbinden (jeder Rechner braucht hier auch
einen NICK...) loggen sie sich in den Raum ein und der
client-servent-PC baut zum host-servent-PC eine direkte
Verbindung auf.
Weiterhin muss jeder Client-Rechner alle anderen clients im
chat-Raum per IP kennen, denn:

was passiert wenn der ursprüngliche HOST offline geht?
dann muss ein Client die Hostfunktion übernehmen.
Am besten dies geschieht nach einer Abwägung zwischen ONLINE-
Zeit (denn junge hosts sind vielleicht schnell wieder raus
und alte gehn vielleicht auch wenn der erste geht......)
und PING-Verzögerung (denn der chat soll ja schnell laufen)

Weiterhin könnte ich mir die Einbindung eines TOPICs vorstellen
(also jeder Raum kann ein TOPIC haben das vom jeweiligen Host
festgelegt wird.....)

Man könnte auch eine Art "Direkt-Download"-Option implementieren,
wenn ein Chatter ein file sucht, was ein anderer hat, spart man
sich so die Mühe und den Traffic danach zu suchen, die beiden
clients brauchen dann nur noch eine direkte Verbindung aufzubauen

(Wie wärs wenn ein client vom anderen ne filez-Liste einsehen
könnte,ohne websearch? Gedanke auch für außerhalb des chats interessant...!)

Phantom81 February 9th, 2002 03:52 AM

By the way...
BTW this thread is by me, i simply registered to late...

Morgwen February 9th, 2002 06:15 AM

Hi Phantom81!

Did you ask Moak? :)


Phantom81 February 9th, 2002 06:25 AM

Moak was on IRC some hours ago.

he told me i should post it to GF so i translated it into english and posted it ;-)

Morgwen February 9th, 2002 06:28 AM

Ok! :)


Phantom81 February 9th, 2002 06:33 AM

so, what do you think 'bout it?

Morgwen February 9th, 2002 06:42 AM

The idea is good! :)

But I am no coder so I cannot help you! :(


cultiv8r February 10th, 2002 11:31 AM

You know this is very close to what Cultiv8r has? Hmm.. Great minds think alike...

Unregistered February 11th, 2002 01:31 PM

I too have been thinking along these lines of a chat room ... the trick will be to search for chat rooms... or to have gnutella search for a "resource" not just a file name ... in this way you could search for chat rooms,video cams,streaming radio etc....


Phantom81 February 11th, 2002 03:07 PM

That's really great. Sharing not only files, but also resources of your pc (scanners,printers,*******,etc) for "invited" users (give users you meet access to the resources) could make gnutella an ultimative community. Sure, there has to be a security against fakers, which is difficult in p2p. Maybe digital signs may help. or the users have to register to the hostcache servers with an unique nickname and password.

I think everyone should think so: The future of Gnutella is like an unwritten book and we've got the letters to fill it.

Morgwen February 12th, 2002 01:50 AM

Re: Chat

Originally posted by Unregistered
I too have been thinking along these lines of a chat room ... the trick will be to search for chat rooms... or to have gnutella search for a "resource" not just a file name ... in this way you could search for chat rooms,video cams,streaming radio etc....



Why don´t you register?

I know you from you are working on a client too! :)


Moak February 12th, 2002 01:59 AM

yeah welcome here!
....and I know the name of your client.... it's 'Joetella'. :-)

Greets, Moak

PS: Great idea, Phantom. I'm working on a P2P chat study. I let you know if something usefull comes out from that.

Joetella February 12th, 2002 07:59 AM

I'm Here
Yes, its me.

Joetella February 12th, 2002 08:03 AM

My Client
I've Been working on a VB client ... its starting to take shape.. maybe by spring I'll release some beta copies....

Phantom81 February 12th, 2002 10:44 AM

VB? I like VB. But isn't it a little bit slow for Gnutella?

Joetella February 12th, 2002 11:07 AM

Slow , yes it can be. I need to be carefull .. I'm not using strings at all (very slow in VB) .. and treating all network traffic as byte arrays which helps a lot ! ... I have no problem mataining 7 peers on my ADSL line with <10% cpu ...
Running it all on one thread is a little tricky too, I'm currently running it on VB6 .. hopefully once I move up to VB.NET I can have seperate threads for peers/upload/downloads


Phantom81 February 12th, 2002 11:52 AM

I also wanted to start a client using VB but my programming skills aren't good enough to fix the speed problems... and i can't do c++ stuff.. that's what i want to do in future.

Moak February 15th, 2002 09:08 AM

chat extension
Just an idea for far future...
To show if a Gnutella servant has buildin chat support, we can use GUID-Tagging. I personally see in a P2P or IRC chat such a important feature that I reserved a bit in my GUID-Tagging proposal (Appendix B: New GUID-Tagging).

Greets, Moak

Phantom81 February 15th, 2002 11:05 AM

that's really fine. but is Gnutella connect 0.7 as you describe it a really coming standart?
well, i'd be lucky if it works.

Moak February 15th, 2002 11:50 AM

no, those 0.7 proposals are just my wired ideas. :D

Phantom81 February 15th, 2002 11:54 AM

like these chat thoughts are my ideas*g*

we'll see what'll be happen in the future

the most needed thing is a good standart.

i think we'll take the Gnutella 0.4 as a basic standart every client has to understand and then every client has also support for 0.7, 0.8,etc which is prefered.
also the HASH and the CHAT should get standart protocols

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