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MtDewJunkE March 5th, 2002 09:35 AM

What clients support ulta/super/mega/superdeduper peer?
What clients currently support ulta/super/mega/superdeduper peer?

cultiv8r March 5th, 2002 12:45 PM

I know that LimeWire and Swapper do. I've been looking into adding support, but without QRP routing.

MtDewJunkE March 5th, 2002 01:13 PM

Thank you. I have never heard of the swapper client before. I'll have to check it out.

MtDewJunkE March 6th, 2002 04:03 PM

I just tried the latest LimeWire, and these superpeers rock! The last time I tried superpeers about 2 months ago they really sucked, but my how things have improved. I can keep twenty of them up on my cable modem and find almost anything I want. LimeWire will also re-query if a download fails allowing me to download very large files without the worry of them being dropped when they are 99% complete. When are the other clients planning on implementing this superpeer thing? This seems to make Gnutella as efficient and FastTrack. And now that Morpheous is going Gnutella I think the developers should really implement this quick. This makes file sharing a no brainer. No more babysitting my client trying to manually re-search my files. LimeWire does this all for me and the superpeers make it all very efficient and use very little bandwidth.

backmann March 6th, 2002 09:01 PM

Excuse my ignorance, but what do superpeers do?

"In the dark we make a brighter light"

cultiv8r March 6th, 2002 10:24 PM

Officially dubbed "Ultrapeers", it reliefs its connected nodes from the Gnutella traffic, by answering Gnutella messages on their behalf.

Normally spoken, Gnutella nodes are contsantly jabbering. You'll notice the constant load on your modem when using Gnutella. This can reduce your total available bandwidth, which is obviously not a good thing.

But with Ultrapeers, this is different. When you connect to an Ultrapeer, you become a "leaf node". You tell the ultrapeer "I have these files, forward search messages to me that (approximately) match these files only". From that point, you are shielded from irrelevant search messages, pings, pongs, traffic from other nodes, etc. (note: once you're a leaf node, you usually don't accept other nodes connecting directly to you - they are told by your client about the Ultrapeer, which they might try instead). The ultrapeer will handle all messages for you. You can still send a search yourself, and search messages for a file you might indeed have are forwarded to you (and processed as usual).

This does mean that Ultrapeers have the additional burden of managing all of its leaf nodes' messages. For that reason, Ultrapeers are selected only when certain criteria. Such as: Does the operating system handle many connections? Is it a fast computer? Does it have a fast Internet connection?

Leaf nodes are best meant for modem users, but current Gnutella clients implementing Ultrapeers allow just about anyone to become a leaf node.

Now, this is in laymen's terms and probably not 100% accurate. If you want to read the more technical details about it, visit the followin URL:

backmann March 7th, 2002 11:06 AM


Unregistered March 8th, 2002 08:10 PM

Isn't it about time we let the government issue a license to use Gnutella? People really need to be trained before using it.

Ultrapeers arn't for you to connect to 20 of them, just one only. Plus they should be only for modem users. Cable modem users should try to become ultrapeers and help the network.

You greedy *******s are why the network has problems. You want it all and want it now and will take down the network to get it. You don't care about anyone else but yourself and what YOU can get for yourself. Go back to Kazza, please.


Originally posted by MtDewJunkE
I can keep twenty of them up on my cable modem and find almost anything I want.

MtDewJunkE March 9th, 2002 07:42 AM


Originally posted by Unregistered
Isn't it about time we let the government issue a license to use Gnutella? People really need to be trained before using it.

Ultrapeers arn't for you to connect to 20 of them, just one only. Plus they should be only for modem users. Cable modem users should try to become ultrapeers and help the network.

You greedy *******s are why the network has problems. You want it all and want it now and will take down the network to get it. You don't care about anyone else but yourself and what YOU can get for yourself. Go back to Kazza, please.

First of all I didn't realize I was harming the network by connecting to 20, and LimeWire's default is like 3 so obviously the developers think you should connect to more than the 1 that you suggest. And how dare you call me a “greedy *******!” This very moment I am sharing 1298 high quality files over my cable modem with 5 upload slots! Mostly music with a few movies and music videos. By connecting to more superpeers I enable more people to find my stuff.

Cable users should NOT be superpeers because of there extremely limited upload bandwidth. If people took your suggestion and cable users became superpeers we would have very inefficient superpeers and it would sort of defeat the purpose of having superpeers.

I actually bother to register on this board and participate in discussions involving the network and you call me a “greedy *******!” And how can you blame us “greedy *******s” for all of the networks problems! If you would actually register and read once in wile you would realize that one of the major problems is the fact that we have many versions of the protocol running at the same time and the older ones as well as some clients that like to blast the network with re-searches are our biggest problem! I would highly suggest you either go to Kazaa, or do a little research and stop calling productive gnutella users “greedy *******s.” OK Mr. Unregistered?

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