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cynepnana May 5th, 2011 05:40 PM

Hi there, looking for a client supporting encrypted Gnutella, due to a P2P unfriendly ISP
Hi everyone! I am happy to be on this forum. I have used LW in the past. I am looking for a client supporting encrypted Gnutella, due to a P2P unfriendly ISP... Will be thankful for any pointers.

Lord of the Rings May 5th, 2011 09:06 PM

Hello cynepnana :)
I'm not sure how fitting, but there is a version of Phex which might fit your needs. For a start, even the regular Phex is often skipped over by ISP's because 'some' ISPs look for & specifically filter particular popularly known programs such as LW. You will need to ask in the Phex forum about I2Phex.

Quote from Wikipedia:

... an anonymous version of Phex has been available: I2Phex, which uses the I2p network to hide the IP address of the users of this gnutella client. The future roadmap is to integrate the I2Phex code into one of the next Phex versions.

Rather than use the public IP network, I2Phex uses encrypted tunnels through the I2p privacy/encryption network.

Traffic is mixed with other network traffic through a garlic routing system, making it difficult for outside observers to identify originators or the recipients of a file through traffic analysis.

LimeWire, FrostWire, gtk-gnutella, and Phex all support the use of TLS to encrypt traffic between nodes. TLS is not anonymous like I2P, however, it does prevent ISPs from filtering gnutella content and makes it more difficult to trace traffic.

It is possible to use Phex with SOCKS5 proxy. Using that feature it is possible to route gnutella traffic via Tor and then to Phex. This is possible by using SOCKS5 cascading proxy to Tor client.

cynepnana May 6th, 2011 01:00 PM

Thanks, Lord of the Rings! I am going to follow your suggestion and try Phex.

newbee2 December 13th, 2011 03:15 PM

Just a bit more on this, I'm going to try I2Phex as well,will let you know how it goes,I presume sourceforge is an ok DL site?

Since I2P is an anonymous network layer, it is designed so other software can use it for anonymous communication. As such there are a variety of tools currently available for I2P or in development.

The I2P router is controlled through the router console which is a web frontend accessed through a web browser.
[edit] General networking

I2PTunnel is an application embedded into I2P that allows arbitrary TCP/IP applications to communicate over I2P by setting up "tunnels" which can be accessed by connecting to pre-determined ports on localhost.
SAM is a protocol which allows a client application written in any language to communicate over I2P, by using a socket-based interface to the I2P router.[3]

[edit] File sharing

Several programs provide BitTorrent functionality for use within the I2P network. Each relies on the user being able to access the I2P network with a web browser to download the .torrent files. Users cannot connect to non-I2P torrents or peers from within I2P, nor can they connect to I2P torrents or peers from outside I2P.[4] I2PSnark, included in the I2P install package, is a port of the BitTorrent client named Snark.[5] Vuze, formerly known as Azureus, is a BitTorrent client that includes a plugin for I2P, allowing anonymous swarming through this network.[6][7] This plugin is still in an early stage of development, however it is already fairly stable. I2P-BT is a BitTorrent client for I2P that allows anonymous swarming for file sharing. This client is a modified version of the original BitTorrent 3.4.2 program which runs on Windows and most dialects of Unix in a GUI and command-line environment. It was developed by the individual known as 'duck' on I2P in cooperation with 'smeghead'. It is no longer being actively developed; however, there is a small effort to upgrade the I2P-BT client up to par with the BitTorrent 4.0 release. I2PRufus is an I2P port of the Rufus BitTorrent client.[8] Robert is the most actively maintened I2PRufus fork. (i2p-internal link) And there is "I2P-Transmission".
iMule (invisible Mule) [9] is a port of the 'All-Platform' client aMule for I2P network. iMule is made for anonymous file sharing. In contrast to other eDonkey clients, iMule only uses the Kademlia proceeding to connect trough I2P network, so no servers are needed.
I2Phex is a port of the popular Gnutella client Phex to I2P. It is stable and fairly functional.

newbee2 December 13th, 2011 03:16 PM

PS Thanks LOTR !

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