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iblypiblo September 14th, 2002 02:17 PM

Java too slow and too difficult
I am sorry, I do not understand why such a horrid base of programming such as java is used in Limewire.

It is way too slow, erroneous, full of errors, and just plain too hard to install.

It sure would be nice to see it written in a nice language such as C or C++ or something similar, but Java? Too slow.

I do not think it is fair to make users with slower machines, such as myself run something that requires a 6 Ghz machine.

Why must this be impossible to install? I am giving up, I just don't see how it can be done.

I apologise for this post, and I apologise for sounding rude, I am at the very end.

I am sorry to say I would not recomend this to anyone, it is just impossible, I have no proof that it is possible to even make it go.

I must leave this client for gtk-gnutella, perhaps it will ruun faster.

My apologies again, I hope someone will change their mind and go to C or somthing.

Until then, I am not capable of using Limewire.

No offense.


Ibly Piblo

Krieger88 September 15th, 2002 06:57 AM

LimeWire's needs lots of memory (40MB - 100MB). Speed should not really be much of an issue. LimeWire is at least as fast as gtk-gnutella most of the time (not to mention qtella, which is bloated and slow compared to LimeWire).

If your computer won't even run limewire, you can't use most of the other filesharing apps either.

iblypiblo September 15th, 2002 01:27 PM

But gtk-gnutella runs great on my AMD K6 500Mhz with 192Mb of ram.

I don't understand.


Thank you for your info.


Krieger88 September 15th, 2002 01:37 PM

Your computer should be more than fast enough to run LimeWire. The only possible explanations that come to my mind are that you might be using the wrong Java Runtime Environment (e.g. Sun's JRE 1.4 for example is a lot faster than 1.3) or that you were sharing lot's of data (which causes lots of hard disk load while LimeWire hashes them after the first startup).

Unregistered September 23rd, 2002 11:41 PM

You are very misinformed about java sir.

Java code can be even FASTER than native code. Poorly written java code will run slowly; however, so will code that is poorly written in languages such as C or C++.

Java, for the most part, is protected from errors by design. I would venture so far as to say that the largest number of errors in software today are related to pointers. This class of problems simply does not exist in java.

The Java Runtime Environment is extremely easy to install on Linux, and most applications that run on it are even easier to install.

<flame intensity="inferno">
I believe this is a classic case of PEBKAC (Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair). That and the fact that your hardware sucks. I'm sure that we'll soon hear someone whining that he can't run java apps on his vintage Timex-Sinclair.

Unregistered October 10th, 2002 11:21 AM

What you are insinuating about the Java language is entirely false. For one, it is an extremely elegant and stable solution to platform neutrality with very few serious bugs in it. For another, it is as fast as native code, the only increased latency might be noticed at load time, when the JVM must be loaded into memory. Java is very easy to install from the SDK download, and I have run a Java compiler/VM on a 486DX2/25 with 20 MB RAM. Your comments are ignorant, crass, and obtuse. Having trouble installing limewire is one thing, but blaming the software is absurd.

Unregistered October 10th, 2002 04:50 PM

What *you* are insinuating about the Java language is entirely unsupported by reality. For one, you provide absolutely no evidence to support even one of your statements. For another, compare the memory and CPU required to run an application such as LimeWire, Tomcat or NetBeans/Forte that's written in Java to applications that are written in C/C++, such as gtk-gnutella, qtella, Apache or VisualStudio. Java is the most bloated CPU and memory-hogging application that I have ever had the displeasure to come in contact with. Your comments are *also* ignorant, crass, and obtuse. Being deluded enough to believe that Java is extremely elegant, stable, as fast as native code and merely with increased latency noticable at load time is one thing, but expecting people to believe your claims, after they see empirical evidence that demonstrates that your claims are false, is absurd.

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