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santellij March 22nd, 2001 11:34 PM

limewire on suse 7.1
I have tried to install the Linux version on suse 7.1, no luck. I read that I should try to install the "Other" version and install the right JRE for my system. I am somewhat "tech-savvy" but not when it comes to java. I have been to the javasoft site but can't find anything of any use. Is there an appropriate JRE for suse 7.1 (kernel 2.4)?

Can someone point me in the right direction?

urmel March 23rd, 2001 03:56 AM

I have the same problem with Debian/woody/2.4.0. The installation crashes with the following message:

~/bin > sh ./LimeWireLinux.bin
Preparing to install...
SIGSEGV received at bfffe09c in /tmp/install.dir.1781/Linux/resource/jre/lib/linux/native_threads/ Processing terminated
Writing stack trace to javacore2787.txt ... OK
./LimeWireLinux.bin: line 1: 2787 Speicherzugriffsfehler /tmp/install.dir.1781/Linux/resource/jre/bin/jre -Djava.compiler= -noverify -cp "::/tmp/install.dir.1781/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.1781/InstallerData/" com.zerog.lax.LAX "/tmp/install.dir.1781/temp.lax" /tmp/

The "other" method tells me:
~/bin > java -classpath install
Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread

To be honest, I have problems to undertstand the *-instructions in the help file.
Can anybody give me a hint?


Nils March 23rd, 2001 06:10 AM

You have to install the Java-only version of LimeWire (not the *.bin version)

this works, but it runs extremely slowly and instable......

@urmel: Yoo have to set the classpath properly, e.g.:
(add these lines to your /etc/profile file)

urmel March 23rd, 2001 10:38 AM

Hai Nils,
thx for your help but it did not work.
I found the file /usr/lib/jdk1.1/lib/ and set the path in a xterm to /usr/lib/java/lib/
the result is the same as before.

On the Debain-box I have following Java packages:

/home/rainer # dpkg -l | grep java
ii java-common 0.6 Base of all Java packages
ii netscape-java- 4.73-19 Netscape Java support for version 4.73
ii netscape-java- 4.76-1 Netscape Java support for version 4.76
/home/rainer # dpkg -l | grep jdk
ii jdk1.1 1.1.8v1-3 JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit) - Runtime o
ii jdk1.1-dev 1.1.8v1-3 JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit)
ii jdk1.1-native 1.1.8v1-3 JDK 1.1.x Runtime - native threads extension
ii jdk1.1-native- 1.1.8v1-3 JDK 1.1.x - native threads extensions

I would like to use the normal Linux Version of LimeWire. With version 1.2 there was the same problem. Can you help me to fix the crash of the installation script? Here the output again:

~/bin > sh ./LimeWireLinux.bin
Preparing to install...
SIGSEGV received at bfffe09c in /tmp/install.dir.1585/Linux/resource/jre/lib/linux/native_threads/ Processing terminated
Writing stack trace to javacore2597.txt ... OK
./LimeWireLinux.bin: line 1: 2597 Speicherzugriffsfehler /tmp/install.dir.1585/Linux/resource/jre/bin/jre -Djava.compiler= -noverify -cp "::/tmp/install.dir.1585/InstallerData:/tmp/install.dir.1585/InstallerData/" com.zerog.lax.LAX "/tmp/install.dir.1585/temp.lax" /tmp/
~/bin >


pinola March 28th, 2001 04:38 AM

Hello to all SuSE 7.1 Users!

I had the same problem, but its very easy to solve, because only the path of "java" is wrong! One way is to export..., buts easyer:

Search for the directory of the installed jre (something like /usr/lib/jre-1.3/bin/java...) , then change to it and then type the following: ./java -classpath <>/ install! Then everything works!

Have fun, pinola

santellij March 29th, 2001 01:04 PM

I found "jre", in /usr/lib/java/bin.

from there I ran ./java -classpath / install

The error was:
"Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Threads:

I also tried to export the CLASSPATH but with no luck like the others. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

[This message has been edited by santellij (edited 03-29-2001).]

Merlin March 30th, 2001 04:33 AM

To install the Other version of LimeWire on a SuSE Linux 7.1 system, just enter

java --classpath install

(or whereever you have the file installed, see 'locate' if unsure)

Installation works without problems then. The program sometimes runs really slow, thus. I did not yet find out why and when and of course don't have any way to improve this.


speed-R April 10th, 2001 06:14 AM

Does this problem (LimeWire running slow and having to install from the 'other' package) have something to do with the kernel or doesnt it?

speed-R April 15th, 2001 12:44 PM

OK guys, this is what you have to do in order to get LimeWire somewhat running in Suse 7.1:
Install package Java2 from pay series, then link /usr/lib/java to jdk1.3 (the Java2 directories). I've done this in order to get Lime to use Java2 virtual machine. So what I got is a running LimeWire with some minor bugs like grey squares where's no lines of text and a very important bug which makes it impossible to change the options.
Anyway it is better than the unstable Lime running with javarunt or java vm's. Also I've 'tried' it with Kaffe and IBM-java's vm and it didnt work.
If any of you have a better solution please post it here inmediatly.

quasar April 18th, 2001 03:02 AM

ok, here's my version of the story: i installed Sun's SDK from the SuSE 7.1 installation disks, (since the JRE is part of the SDK), and found it installed as a link to the JRE, under the root directory.

I then typed "/java/bin/java -classpath install."

Here's the errors i got:

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key

Exception in thread "main"

Anyone get that also? Interesting that the same errors i got,i also get when trying to run xmame. (not the exception error though.)
Anybody have a clue on what's wrong with my setup? Thanks.

quasar April 18th, 2001 03:07 AM

ok, here's my version of the story: i installed Sun's SDK from the SuSE 7.1 installation disks, (since the JRE is part of the SDK), and found it installed as a link to the JRE, under the root directory.

I then typed "/java/bin/java -classpath install."

Here's the errors i got:

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key

Exception in thread "main"

Anyone get that also? Interesting that the same errors i got,i also get when trying to run xmame. (not the exception error though.)
Anybody have a clue on what's wrong with my setup? Thanks.

Axe April 18th, 2001 03:14 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by quasar:

Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key

Logged in a terminal window as root? You are not allowed to use the user's X-Server!

I found out that limewire works only properly for the root. You may start it with SUID root, but this does not allow downloads etc.

I have a solution for this using SUDO....but i cant remember it out of the head. Will post it here when I'm back at my linux-box


Axe April 24th, 2001 10:35 AM

OK, this is my solution (repeated as separate posting)

Installing LineWire

I had the problem that LimeWire worked only with root authorisations. Setting SUID rood didnt help, downloads still were not working. I fixed it the following:

login as root
install limewire to /opt/LimeWire

create a script, lets say lw, and put it to /usr/local/bin (or somewhere else, e.g. $HOME). Assuming you are joe_user, the script is:
-------- snip
XAUTHORITY=/home/joe_user/.Xauthority; export XAUTHORITY
DISPLAY=:0.0; export DISPLAY

-------- snap

next you need sudo installed on your machine. Pls. Note that there was a security announcement last (look at With visudo, configure sudo and add the following line:

joe_user ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/lw

now you can start limewire with

sudo lw

.....and enjoy sucking songz!

lzhuk August 24th, 2001 02:02 PM

java version?
I get the following error message: "Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java /lang/Thread. I have Suse 7.0 PPC (Mac) and jdk1.1.8. Is that because of the java version? I've downloaded jdk1.3.1 but have hard time uncompressing it and installing. Do you know what utility I should use to uncompress *.bin files? thanks.

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