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Unregistered July 13th, 2001 09:48 AM

make a desktop shortcut in Linux?
just wondering if there's a way to link the "/foo/LimeWire/sh" command to a desktop shortcut in KDE. i've tried all the stuff i could think of (granted i'm a newbie) but i can' t seem to get it to work. I must say that the install of 1.6 went very smoothly and very easily by the way and the program loads nicely on my k6-3-450 machine.

Axe September 5th, 2001 02:52 AM

Desktop shortcut means an 'Icon' or a 'keyboard combination' like CRTL_ALT_Backspace :D ?

Adding an application is quite simple (out of my head): From the KDE-Menu, click configure panel -> add application -> old program
In case you start LW via the jre, choose the jre in /usr/java/where_it_is
on the next tab, add the command line entries (something like -cp /opt/LW RunLimeWire) a nice icon...thats it

Unregistered September 6th, 2001 11:30 PM

Can't make a desktop link
I've been trying to do this forever. A link to the application does not work. Whenever I click on the link, it just times out and Limewire does not appear. Limewire however, runs great from the terminal. And yes, I'm sure I made the link correctly (i think) :P

SuSEpenguin September 10th, 2001 10:39 PM

i'v e got several icons here and there that look pretty cool 'cause i chose a cool graphic, but none of them will start limewire (they don't seem to do a [inapropriate language deleted] thing as far as i can tell)

SuSEpenguin September 12th, 2001 11:29 AM

plz excuse inapropriate language
sorry about the language - i didn't think what i wrote was terribly vulgar but i'm not in charge around here. i'll try not to use similar language in future posts.

Unregistered September 13th, 2001 04:43 PM

have a look at the FAQ

more precisely: A 2-8

twist September 19th, 2001 03:35 AM

Running Limewire
Use the solution in the FAQ (section 2-8) or you can try the shell script I wrote for my own use. My script does two things. It lets you run LimeWire from anywhere (desktop icon, menu icon, any directory in a terminal, whatever) and, to make LimeWire behave like other unix programs, it creates a .limewire directory in your home directory for LimeWire to write it's configuration files to.

My script is attached. It works brilliantly for me but I've only tested it on my system (RedHat 7.1, KDE2.2, LimeWire1.7, JDK1.3.1). It should work on most systems out there. Give it a try anyway. :-)

To install:

1. Go to the LimeWire directory and backup the old with: mv runlime.old

2. Copy to the LimeWire directory.

3. Rename to with: mv

4. Make it executable with whatever permissions you choose. e.g. chmod 755

That's it! You can now link to the new script however you like. Note however that because the configuration will now be stored in the ~/.limewire dir, LimeWire will ask you to configure everything as if you had just installed it. By default everything (Shared dir, Incomplete dir,, etc) will be under .limewire in your home directory. If you don't want your Shared directory to be under ~/.limewire make sure you change this when LimeWire prompts you to.

[Update: Feh, I found a bug. Script didn't work when you ran it from the limewire directory with ./ See next post for the fixed version. :-) ]

twist September 19th, 2001 06:07 PM
1 Attachment(s)
A replacement See previous post for install instructions.

Unregistered September 21st, 2001 02:17 PM

oh, even more simple : you have to be in the limewire directory for Limewire to work. Your shortcut doesn't put you there. Well then, I edited and added a

cd /home/(whatever path to your limewire dir)

just after the text and before


hard to make more simple ?

twist September 21st, 2001 08:00 PM

Yes, it does. The script is generic. It'll work no matter where LimeWire is installed. The line:

cd `dirname $0`

Changes to the LimeWire directory. The $0 variable returns the command used to execute the script. Then the script changes to ~/.limewire so limewire will write it's config files there. The idea is that you can install the LimeWire .tgz under /usr/local as root and then allow multiple users to run LimeWire with multiple configs.

If you run the script with, say:


Then $0 won't refer to the limewire directory. Run it like ./ or /usr/local/LimeWire/ Or, as you suggested, write in the directory names manually. :-)

twist September 21st, 2001 08:17 PM

I take that back
Feh, sh does actually work! dirname cleverly translates it to '.' the current directory. :-)

twist September 21st, 2001 08:36 PM

Just a clarification
Just to clarify something. You don't *have* to be in the LimeWire directory for LimeWire to work. The only reason you start LimeWire from the LimeWire directory when you use the provided is because it only uses the current directory as the class path:

java -classpath . RunLime

If you add the correct classpaths when you're starting up limewire, you can start it from anywhere.

Axe October 2nd, 2001 02:27 AM

Hang on a second guys, you lost me completely: After installing LW 1.7 i did the following (KDE 2.2.1): Right mouse on the desktop -> create new -> Program
-> Enter program name, choose application (which is /home/your_user_dir/LimeWire17/LimeWire17), select an icon.....(where is the nice LW-icon?)...and thats it!

Unregistered October 3rd, 2001 02:37 AM

problem solved
yeah, great, it works!

Unregistered October 17th, 2001 06:09 AM

I have installed the naked linux program (1.7c without installer). To me it seems that this version requires a script. A simple link to LimeWire17 doesn't work (mostly because this file doesn't exist in the non-installer version ;-) )

Axe October 23rd, 2001 10:00 AM

And how do you start the 'naked linux program' ?

something like 'jre -cp .....'?

twist October 24th, 2001 05:18 AM

Naked Linux
The 'naked linux program' is just a gzipped tar file. It comes with the .jar files and a shell script. You have to run this script in the same directory as the jar files hence the replacement script business. I installed LimeWire this way too and wrote an alternative script for my own use. You can see it at:

The howto was written for 1.7 and probably could use updating now (re where to download). I'll get around to that in the next couple of weeks. :)

Seehund October 25th, 2001 09:13 AM

I tried both the FAQ method ("cd [my limedir] && sh") and twist's, but neither work from the GNOME menu. It still starts fine from a terminal though...

When ran from the menu it seems as if Limewire actually starts, connects and scans the shared dirs, but no UI appears! There are about two million jre processes hanging around...

BTW, this is with 1.7c. 1.7b started OK from the menu.

twist October 26th, 2001 12:12 AM

I've just installed 1.7c and it works fine for me from the KDE menu when I use my script. It might be something that the GNOME menu does. But it seems strange that 1.7 works for you and 1.7c doesn't. They start up the same way.

Did you change anything else in your system between installing 1.7 and 1.7c?

Seehund October 26th, 2001 07:29 AM

Re: 1.7c

Originally posted by twist
Did you change anything else in your system between installing 1.7 and 1.7c?
Yes, I swiped my entire Redhat 7.1 + Ximian GNOME installation and installed Redhat 7.2 with RH's GNOME.

I discovered that both the FAQ and the edited methods actually work from the menu if I check the "Run in terminal" option in the GNOME menu editor.

In the terminal I always get many instances of this warning

Font specified in not found [--symbol-medium-r-normal--*-%d-*-*-p-*-adobe-fontspecific]

but that doesn't stop Limewire from running OK, as long as it's started from the terminal or from the menu with "run in terminal" selected.

I still don't want to have an unnecessary terminal window hanging around, so the problem isn't solved.

twist October 26th, 2001 08:22 PM

Don't know about the GNOME problem. I'll have to install and experiment a bit with GNOME to see what's going on.

I can help you with the font properties problem though. I had the same problem. Check out Font properties section of the Java release notes and download and install the revised font properties file:

Seehund October 26th, 2001 11:42 PM

Re: Hrm

Originally posted by twist
I can help you with the font properties problem though [...]
Though as you predicted it didn't have any effect on the menu problem, and I also got a new warning in the terminal:

Warning: Cannot convert string "MetaCtrl<Key>Insert" to type VirtualBinding

It still runs fine from a terminal.

Axe October 28th, 2001 04:46 AM


inbetween I also found the 'naked' version 1.7c, tried and installed...with the same effect as mentioned above.
Without having seen the above comments, I just tweaked the startscrippt and added a
'cd $HOME/LimeWire'
to get it up and running

twist November 4th, 2001 11:35 PM

Re: Hrm

Warning: Cannot convert string "MetaCtrl<Key>Insert" to type VirtualBinding
I think this is a problem with the Swing classes rather than with LimeWire. I notice this error sometimes as well. It appears to be harmless.

Routhy November 6th, 2001 07:14 AM

Shortcut Problems
I've been trying all the methods in this thread to get a shortcut working.. but a lot are hard to follow.. can anyone give me a summary?

Axe November 9th, 2001 03:17 AM

What you do: tweak your startscript:

# Runs LimeWire. This script must be executed in your LimeWire
# install directory.
# We must set the J2SE_PREEMPTCLOSE environment variable to 1 to
# work around some limitations in the JDK1.3. For more information
# see
cd $HOME/LimeWire
java -classpath . RunLime

---then go to the desktop,
Right mouse on the desktop -> create new -> Program
-> Enter program name, choose application (
..thats it.

Seehund November 16th, 2001 10:10 AM

Now I can't get the new 1.8 to run from the GNOME menu either. :-P

Axe November 20th, 2001 08:29 AM

...but 1.8 (with installer) is fine in tweaking


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