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gleng1 December 3rd, 2002 09:58 AM

Limewire Shutdown Etiquitte
OK, call me an old softie... I try to keep Limewire running so I can share files, but there comes a time when I need to shut it down.

I hate to do this when I look at my upload window and see that someone out there only has seven minutes left on a two-hour upload!

I'd like to be able to finish the uploads in progress, but not accept any more, and then shut down Limewire when the last upload in progress is finished.

I've seen the Shutdown preference, but I'm not sure it works (or maybe I don't understand it!) What's the best way to let those in the middle of uploads finish, and then shut down. (Remember, this is on a Mac -- I've seen the instructions on what to do on a Windows machine!)



sberlin December 3rd, 2002 02:05 PM

in options -> shutdown, there should be a preference to 'shutdown after transfers'. note that this includes downloads, so if you've got some downloads in 'requery' state, i think it won't shut down until those complete.

i only run windows, so i'm not sure if this applies to macs, but i don't see why it wouldn't.

gleng1 December 3rd, 2002 02:18 PM

Hmm... maybe the Shutdown preference DOES work, but I can't tell! With a MACINTOSH, if I select the preference to shut down after dowloads are complete, what should I see when I quit Limewire -- do I get a window that states, "Shutdown will be completed after downloads" or does it just quit, and then work in the background where I can't see it?

(For the WINDOWS software there are some notes about placing Limewire in your System tray, but this does NOT apply to Mac!)



sberlin December 3rd, 2002 02:23 PM

there's no window that pops up to tell you it's going to exit -- the only indicator (on windows atleast) is the limewire icon in the system tray. do macs have any sort of process viewer that lets you see what is currently running? try doing the shutdown after transfers while something is transfering and look at the process viewer -- if you see 'java' (or limewire, not sure what the macs will display), then you can know it's still running.

someone who uses a mac would probably be able to answer this better than i.

gfox December 3rd, 2002 08:00 PM

don't worry
just leave it on all night. invariably, it will either freeze the system or LM will have a quit message. I’m not sure if it is 10.1 or LM, but every morning I either restart LM or my G4.

Rumpfuttock January 7th, 2004 09:50 AM

Exit After Transfers
I always try to use the Exit After Transfers option when closing Limewire at night. However more often than not it closes the application immediately, but it does work occasionally.

I am running Windows 2K Pro.

This unreliability makes closing the application gracefully difficult. Has anyone any answers?


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