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Aremihc May 6th, 2003 01:43 AM

Limewire won't start up.
I am a long time limewire fan, I feel that P2P is what the 'net should be. However, recently I've had problems. Everytime I try to launch Limewire, whether through the dock or by actually clicking the icon, the icon bounces, and then settles without anything actually happening. I have run the uninstall, and even tried to manually delete everything connected to limewire and then re-install, I have 2.9.9. Please help. Sometimes it will launch after a full computer restart, but only once, if I quit, it won't launch again. Thanks.

David L. Holt

zbartrout May 23rd, 2003 10:32 PM

Same issue
I'm experiencing the exact same problem. I wonder if it is related to the OS X upgrade? What version are you running? I'm running 10.2.6


David91 May 24th, 2003 09:05 AM

Hi Guys
Let's try this step by step. Assuming you downloaded a new Limewire version and installed it on a "clean" slate (ie you chased down and trashed everything with "Limew" in the title before reinstalling), the next step is to eliminate some possible OSX problems. If you have recently downloaded an OS upgrade whether to !0.2.5 or 10.2.6, restart your machine in Safe Boot mode, ie when restarting, hold down the shift key. This will invisibly run a file check. Once that is complete, drop into Utilities and run File Permission Repairs. Now restart your machine and go through the reinstall sequence (we're actually up to 2.9.11 at present). If you still cannot launch, let us know and we'll move on to the next step.

Good luck.

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