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isamoor June 22nd, 2003 02:38 PM

I'm mostly a pc user, with a little mac thrown in here and there. On the otherhand though, I run linux on all my hardware, so I still don't really mess with MacOS much. I like OS X and all, but it trashed a hard drive on me and that was that.

Hmm.. well maybe they look at shared files, but that doesn't seem very logical to me. Ultrapeers are there to keep everyone talking to each other, so I don't see why they would have to be distributers. I would think leaves would make better distributers with the extra bandwidth left over.

Adn before you shoo me out of the OS X forum, I was just trying to join the conversation about ultrapeers.

I will also say that OS X was the slickest os I'd ever used, I just felt a little to constrained while I was using it. I could be convinced to come back though with all the new developement going on with fink/gentoo.



Blackbird June 22nd, 2003 07:00 PM

Don't hop on the OS X bandwagon for a bit. 10.3 is coming out in a month of or so (it's being previewed at the WWDC this weekend), and it's possible that they'll make it a pay upgrade. If they do, everyone will be pissed and few will buy, but they might.

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