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theIslander June 25th, 2005 12:40 AM

im a greeny
I know it has to do with the player. Im just trying to figure this system out.What programs to run with a mac. Sometimes when I follow a link off a site it takes me to the site but when it goes to load the video, a message comes 'verify file and path name' with a little red hand and the only option is to say ok. So the video dosnt load but i can look around the site but any video I pick to watch wont play. Sometimes a message comes up to download media player 10 but its not for mac. :confused: :rolleyes:

Lord of the Rings June 25th, 2005 06:18 PM

Mac users usually very wisely ignor M$'s WMV & WMA formats. Ignore files that ask for licencing or want you to connect to the net. These are diallers, marketers & porn sites. See this
Also be aware of autogenerated spam results & What you should know about WMA Files which also applies to WMV files.

A hint to read this: Movie download issues

A trusty mac video player is VLC: (choose nearest mirror site)

Whilst QuickTime player can be used, it helps if you have all the necessary 3rd party plug-ins which aren't always easy to get. And QT player cannot play WMV! VLC will be more reliable for previewing anyway. And it can play WMV files so long as they don't require licencing or have DRM.

theIslander June 25th, 2005 11:41 PM

:D sweet thank-you! um whats a mirror site?:D

Lord of the Rings June 25th, 2005 11:48 PM

That's like what LW uses. It means their site can't handle all the traffic so they delegate some of the traffic to elsewhere. A mirror site is how it sounds. It's the same file just from a different server. It doesn't matter which one you choose, it's the same program. Choose the closest since it'll probably downld faster. ;)

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