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PT777 August 22nd, 2006 10:24 AM

Mac Installation problem on OS 10.2.6
Can anybody help me?

After I download Limewire Basic and try to click on the icon to install, it loads up using Microsoft Excel and appears as a random jumble of letters and numbers! I dont think this is correct. I'm currently running Mac OS 10.2.6. Do I need the pro version?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks. PT777

Lord of the Rings August 22nd, 2006 10:39 AM

There is a Sticky about this ... but perhaps it's in the General Mac support section I can't remember. It's obvious you have downloaded LW using Explorer. Use "any" other browser. Unfortunately Explorer cannot handle dmg files & is not totally OSX compatible. I'd suggest either Safari (you will find it in your applications folder) or netscape or firefox ...

PT777 August 22nd, 2006 12:49 PM

Message for Lord of the Rings

Thanks for that. I'll look for Safari right now and give that a go. I'm afraid I'm new to all this and not very technically minded.


PT777 August 22nd, 2006 01:09 PM


I can't find safari in my applications folder - unless its well hidden I'm not sure I've got it. Any clues anyone? Should I go to Apple website and download the 1.0 version?


Lord of the Rings August 22nd, 2006 01:39 PM

Yes or get Netscape 7.2 But I just searched the apple site & can't find safari 1.0.3 which is the last version available for Jaguar OSX10.2.
I believe Safari is normally installed on your computer when you install the system. So if you use the search engine to search for it ...
But it might have been in the xtras installation I can't remember.

PT777 August 22nd, 2006 02:32 PM


Thanks for that. I went to Apple and searched also and managed to download an adequate version of safari. Anyway, your advice was spot on - I've now got Limewire installed. (I also had to download improved Java software from Apple).

I've tried a test search, however, and nothing much is happening - it says it is connecting to the network but nothing much is going on? I don't think its making a connection.

Lord of the Rings August 22nd, 2006 02:35 PM

Do you get 3 green bars? If it's properly connected to the gnutella network then 3 green bars is a healthy sign. Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? If yes, then you have a firewall issue.

What type of connection do you have? And what brand & model of modem/router are you using? And where are you connecting from (work, school, home)?

PT777 August 22nd, 2006 03:24 PM


I dont get the 3 bars and there is a wall in front of the blue world icon. I recently installed Brickwall software. I'm new to it, but I thought I had disabled it in anticipation of using Limewire for the first time.

I'm connected via PPP and my modem is speedtouch USB. I'm connected from home through my broadband phone line.


PT777 August 22nd, 2006 03:50 PM


It's a thomson speedtouch 330 - if that sounds right?

I assume the ISP would be Homecall, although they've recently changed hands and aquired a new brand name. Does that sound right?


Lord of the Rings August 22nd, 2006 03:53 PM

Try disabling your software firewall & see if the firewall goes away. If it does, then if you want to use the firewall with LW you will need to configure it to allow LW full access. Firewall configuration instructions (click on link)

PT777 August 22nd, 2006 04:03 PM

Thanks. I quit and relauched LW with firewall completely disabled and attempted to search again. I've now got green bars and no wall! Some results have just come through. The LW interface, however, seems quite sluggish and some parts of it fail to appear until I run the mouse over those areas, if you no what I mean? Is there a fix/reason for this?

By the way, thanks for the link - I'll follow that up and configure my firewall. PT777

Lord of the Rings August 22nd, 2006 04:15 PM

Unfortunately the Jaguar operating system is not friendly to LW due to the earlier Java version. However you should be able to overcome the interface problem if you change skins. Go to View menu & choose Change skins.

Sorry OAH ... but the 2 of us together should be able to solve any crisis PT777 is having. lol :D

PT777 August 22nd, 2006 04:18 PM

The processor is 466 MHz. I've got a G4. There's approx. 90GB of hardisc spare at the moment. I've got roughly 750mb of RAM.

You're right - it's Pipex. How do they curb p2p use?

Lord of the Rings August 22nd, 2006 04:20 PM

They use programs like these 1.,
2., 3. They detect LW & can slow it's use. There's other techniques. I don't know which one Pipex uses ... OAH might have seen something about it.

Here's an example of how a p2p bandwidth shaper can work against Gnutella network: Bandwidth Shaper Sample - typical of how some ISP's use it (click on link) ie: giving priority to net surfing & low priorities to p2p sharing.

PT777 August 22nd, 2006 04:41 PM

Very interesting. That's a bit mean of Pipex, or any other ISP. They aren't responsible for their users and what they choose to do. I suppose they're being leaned on by record companies, etc. I think you're right - I could update OSX. I keep meaning to investigate that. Anyway, time for bed - early start @ work tomorrow. Big thanks to you guys - Lord of.. & Hobo - for your wisdom, skills & support. Much appreciated. I'll be back on the Limewire tomorrow or Thursday - maybe catch up with you two then. Cheers. PT777

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