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johnyboy April 15th, 2007 03:23 PM

all dl's 0 KB/s now for some reason
i start up lw (just installed latest version, problem still occurs), it goes through the usual process of loading old dls etc, lw connects; green bars in bottom left, the dls appear, one starts to dowload... all's normal. then a few mintues later, as is the case as i type, there's 5 files downloading ("Downloading from 8 hosts", "Downloading from 3 hosts", etc.) but all of them are at 0 KB/s. three green bars are still ok, i'm still able to search and get results, just not download any bytes. it stays theere saying it's downloading from multiple hosts but it isn't.

it's been like this for a couple of days now. if i quit lw, restart it i can download a tiny bit of a file right after starting lw until it all stops again.

any ideas what's wrong?

tia :)

johnyboy April 15th, 2007 03:38 PM

it's downloading now :/ what on earth could that have been?

separately, why is, since moving to a new isp, the firewall sign always displaying (i'm not using any firewall)?

johnyboy April 16th, 2007 01:46 AM

it's doing it again :( i know the 0 Kb/s is correct because the partially downloaded files aren't being modified.

as i say it started working a little while ago -- things were dl'ing but not now again.

any ideas what this could be?

oh yeah, and while nothing is able to download, things are able to upload from lw (as they are now as i type -- 4 uploads at the moment which are moving -- not 0 KB/s). also while nothing in lw is able to dl other internet apps work ok.

johnyboy April 16th, 2007 02:25 AM

i changed the port number in lw's preferences, and it's now working again -- files are dl'ing. i have no idea if changing the port number helped -- it may not have as it started working again (see above) after it wasn't working and then i didn't change the port number

6_pac April 16th, 2007 10:34 PM

They say it's ok to talk to your self as long as you don't start answering back :D.

It sounds like your isp might be shaping your bandwidth.

johnyboy April 17th, 2007 01:23 AM

right. it's doing it again. files are uploading, files are "downloading from x hosts" but not a single byte is added to the partial files.

what exactly does shaping you bandwith mean?


johnyboy April 17th, 2007 01:41 AM

when i quit lw, restart it, often it says in the dl window files are downloading (by saying "Downloading from 3 hosts 9Kb/s" or whatever) for a minute or two, then goes to being fixed on 0Kb/s and i look at the partical files and they haven't been touched. just now i got about what i thought was say 3 minutes of download (maybe a bit less) but the partially dl'd files (according to their modification date/time -- and yes i've made sure i'm looking at fresh info) haven't been touched

johnyboy April 17th, 2007 02:23 AM

bit more info: at the same time, while lw is uplading, and "downloading" (as in not downloading), bit torrrent is downloading (and uploading) ok

wondering why April 17th, 2007 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by johnyboy
bit more info: at the same time, while lw is uplading, and "downloading" (as in not downloading), bit torrrent is downloading (and uploading) ok

This could be where your problem lays....It's not wise to run two p2p apps at the same time...Turn off Bit torrent and see if you still get the same thing happening...;)

6_pac April 17th, 2007 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Only A Hobo
@6_pac Long time no see! Hi How's life? I'm delighted you've got a Mod position. Many congratulations :D

Thanks Hobo :),

It was undeserved but I was glad to accept. I've been well. I hope life has been treating you well also. I hope you'll be sticking around. A good mac and pc preson is hard to find ;).

johnyboy April 18th, 2007 02:09 AM

(i think i've found the problem, see end of this post)


Originally Posted by Only A Hobo

i had to look that one up in the dictionary :)

Shaping bandwith is what some internet service providers (isp) do to users of certain programmes, and these incude p2p applications. It effectively trottles the speed at which you can run these applications.
i thought so but just wanted to check.

Please tell us who your isp is.
tiscali uk -- they definitely do traffic shape although they've told me in writing they don't. i'd like to get some hard evidence and make a claim in a small claims court about it. they've basically advertised one product and given me another. but there are times when they don't traffic shape...


It would be useful if you could check out and try downloading a file from there and see what speed it downloads at.
Also downloading from the "what's new" search tends to work pretty well for a good number of results.
that's good to know and i might try that but haven't yet


Also do you have a great number of files trying to download on start up? This is not a good idea?
not that many, maybe about 30 most of which are needing more sources.


What port number are you using?
my current "listen on port" setting in lw is 24497


Re your changing isp. Has your new isp provided with a new modem, or do you use a router of any sort? Some details of these would be helpful.
my isp supplied a usb modem but i wanted to use an airport base station which only has ethernet WAN input, so i bought a d-link DSL-300T ADSL modem. so the network is:
internet > ethernet modem > airport extreme (the white round b and g one) > laptop via the air


We'll try not to let you talk to yourself any more. You were very patient. It's appreciated :)


Originally Posted by wondering why
This could be where your problem lays....It's not wise to run two p2p apps at the same time...Turn off Bit torrent and see if you still get the same thing happening...;)

i just did this as a test -- i wasn't doing this all the time. the problem happened without bit torrent running.

this is what i think (slightly tentatively) it is/was: whatever it is that lw does with files especially when starting up (probably checksumming) stops lw dl'ing for me at the moment i think. some of the partially dl'd files were very large 1GB+. while lw was doing what it does with files it stops dl'ing. i've now turned off partial sharing (which i think has helped although i'm not sure). the reason i'm reasonably confident of this diagnosis is because one of these large files which i was dl'ing finished, so lw started varifying it it. while it was verifying it other dl's stopped in the similar way as before.

i'll report any further info if i get any

thanks :)

Lord of the Rings April 18th, 2007 07:18 AM

Find out about Tiscali here ISP's known to BLOCK or Filter p2p or specifically Limewire. Tiscali is spread around Europe. Not all of their branches use exactly the same techniques.

If I get zero speeds, LW appears to have paused, I will re-search them, if they don't restart downlding, then cancel & reselect from search results. If that doesn't work, then I would close LW, re-open 10 mins later hoping to get a different set of Ultrapeers (UP) to connect thru. There are some DUD UP's out there. But yes it does sound like your ISP is at fault. And no they won't tell you about their shaping of p2p bandwidth. In fact, most people who work there probably wouldn't even know about it.

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