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STS April 21st, 2003 08:29 AM

Limewire laucher
Hi! I am looking for a site for free music downloads for Mac's. I have tried to use Limewire but after I download the song and click on the "launch" button, nothing happens. What am i doing wrong? Is this the best site to use?

Joakim Agren April 21st, 2003 09:21 AM

Re: Limewire laucher

Originally posted by STS
Hi! I am looking for a site for free music downloads for Mac's. I have tried to use Limewire but after I download the song and click on the "launch" button, nothing happens. What am i doing wrong? Is this the best site to use?

LimeWire is not a site it is a network access client that enables you to search the network/ decentralised filesharing protocoll Gnutella and initiate downloads and transfer files trough standard http 1.1 connections. All the content on Gnutella is provided by individual users such as yourself.

After you have finished downloading a file you first before hitting the Launch button have to highlight the file in question and click Launch and your default mp3 player will launch and play the song. For Mac's the best option is ofcourse Apple's own free player iTunes. But most Mac owners already have it installed on their computers. I use it and it is great!.

Are you sure that you downloaded a actual mp3 file?

There is alot of fake spam files out ther that is not genuine mp songs. If you hit Launch many times nothing will happen when Launching such files and in some cases your browser will open and take you to a porn site or something similar. A genuine mp3 file has the .mp3 file exstension and are about 1MB/minute large meaning a typical song is atleast 3MB in size and in general even larger depending on the bitrate used.

STS April 21st, 2003 12:05 PM

Thanks Joakim! Your information is very helpful...I'll pass it on to the students that were having difficulty with the launch. STS

frust8d April 22nd, 2003 02:02 PM

limewire won't launch
I too am having a problem launching limewire songs. I have been discussing this with Joakim and others in the Mac OSX forum by mistake since I'm running on system 9. I have done everyting I can think of. I've trashed Limewire and re-downloaded it, downloaded free iTunes, and still nothing. I had been using Limewire successfully, (songs or even portions thereof launching in realplayer)and happily until they prompted me to update my Limewire version. I did and since then no ability to launch. I can't get back to the old version of Limewire either. Can anyone make a suggestion?

bway al May 2nd, 2003 09:41 PM

launching files
After upgrading to the latest Limewire I too can't launch the file I've downloaded even afte r I've highlighted it. I never had this problem with eariler versions of Limewire. If I do a search for the file using Sherlock and open it that way it will start up itunes and play but if I just double click the file in Limewire or highlight the file and hit the launch button nothing happens other that what seems to be a click coming from the computer.

frust8d May 3rd, 2003 06:00 AM

It's great to hear that I'm not alone on this. I am frustrated that I can't get to Limewire or whomever creates this stuff to get them to correct it. I had a long chain of discussion in the wrong forum, I think it was mac osx. You might check it out. If you come up with a solution please drop me an email

Second point. I had saved a bunch of songs in a folder I kept on my desk top. Normally they would start playing in realplayer as soon as I double clicked a particular title. Yesterday I wanted to play a few. I clicked on the folder Icon and it wanted me to use a start up application (I may be mis-stating this) or something. Never having gone through this I guessed at realplayer as the translator. Now the icon on the desktop says realplayer , songs won't start and 'Find' won't locate an artist formerly in that folder. Is this some cruel plot? I'll have to change my gnutella name to paranoid.

bway al May 3rd, 2003 08:35 AM

file launching
If you can locate the file using Sherlock double click it and your mac should state that I can't find the application and for you to choose it. Pick itunes (with translation just incase) and go into Limewire preferences and do the same.

frust8d May 3rd, 2003 05:59 PM

I tried what you suggested, but the folder I named Songs now is saved in Realplayer format. I double clicked Sherlock, asked for Songs, the folder I'm talking about showed up, being on the desk top, I double clicked the folder and realplayer opened but that was it. No songs. And if I now do a find/Sherlock for any of the tiltes that were in the Songs folder it can't find them. ? ? ?

frust8d May 3rd, 2003 06:12 PM

One additional thought. I recently bought a new printer. HP scanner/printer. It said it ran on system 9. I had 9,0. I didn't real ize that there were updates. The printer systems disk or softeware, whatever, jammed my mac while loading it. A guy at the mac store helped solve that problem. He then told me about the updates and we downloaded them so I now have system 9.2.2. I just clicked songs file and then under file went down to show original. It showed the songs there I think, but as realplayer files which is how most of them were saved. Anyway, when I clicked on one it said I needed an update to realplayer. Tried that but got some message that the " real player needs to downloac new software to play this clip." Tkhen it said, "currently auto update has no plugin available to play your selection" catch 22.

bway al May 3rd, 2003 08:26 PM

I don't think Realplayer is a file format just another player. These downloads are all mp3s (at least that what music files have been until now because Apple has created a new and of course better format). Take one of those songs out of the folder and drag it onto the Quicktime icon. There's other file conversion shareware too. Have you tried to drag a song onto your itunes icon?

frust8d May 4th, 2003 07:14 PM

I've tried what you recommended. Some success. The songs I had not removed from the shared folder in Limewire converted to itunes and they play. Haleluyah (sp?). But dragging the ones from the folder I named 'Songs' ,which now shows as a Realplayer folder, I know not why won't convert. Thoughts???

bway al May 4th, 2003 07:34 PM

file launch
If this were a windoz problem I'd say it was as simple as "you've changed the name of what the file type is." You know those endings like .exe (deathrattle) following all the files in the most complicated file system in the world? Without them the windoze box can't find anything. But Macs have an amazing ability to figure out what to do with certain files or at least ask you how you'd like to handle them. I can't remember now but there's a shareware app. that's really cool that will convert most any file type. I used to use it to play most music files a couple of years ago. I think your renamed "real" files just have to be renamed again back. Try clicking on one and after the title is highlit rename it and end it with .mpeg. I don't suppose any one reading this has any idea why I can't make this new version of Limewire launch a file?

bway al May 4th, 2003 07:37 PM

I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean mpeg I meant mp3.:D

frust8d May 5th, 2003 05:47 AM

Its Mon morn. and to add to my problems last night my computer got googy about my modem. It can't find it or set it correctly. I can't figure what would have changed the config. so I think I'll drag it to the mac store and see if an expert can set me straight on that and maybe show him the real/ mp3 problem however I'll try your rename suggestion first. I'm on my g3 powerbook now . only way to check my email etc. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

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