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-   -   New to Limewire. General questions that I would like to be explained further please. (

SamuraiSmm September 30th, 2007 02:51 PM

New to Limewire. General questions that I would like to be explained further please.
-Windows Vista
-Norton Personal Firewall (but it is set to allow "LimeWire.exe" and "LimeWireWin.exe"
-2038 MB RAM
-180 GB of hard drive disk space available
-Comcast Cable internet connection
- I'm not entire sure how to find out what modem & router brand name & model numbers I have. I do know that I'm using D-Link and Netgear.
- House computer
- Limewire version - 4.14.10
-Java - 1.6.0_02
- Don't know how to find out who is my ISP (Internet Service Provider). I'm guessing Comcast.
- When I went to; it said the test worked.
- I am on a home network with two other computers.
- First time using Limewire.
- I see the firewall icon but it goes away after a very long time.
- I have not idea how to answer this: For those using a modem/router, how is your modem/router set up...are you port forwarding or is UPnP enabled?
- Using Norton Protextion Center
- I live in the USA

I would like clarification on the whole connecting icon. If LimeWire begins on start up, does it automatically connect right off the bat or when you start searching?
Can you search generalized medium? For example, if I wanted to find strategy games, could I just search "strategy games" and get results?

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