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doppelganger January 28th, 2003 08:35 PM

user name pop-up
I have gotten 2 pop-ups which are part of Limewire with a host # at the time and 2 fields, one asking for my user name, and one for my password. I've been using Limewire for awhile now and never seen this before. Does anyone know what this is? Thanks!

doppelganger January 28th, 2003 08:48 PM

user name pop-up
I meant to type host # at the TOP, not time, but I can't get in to edit the damn thing!

NutterBudgie January 28th, 2003 11:32 PM

I have also gotten the name-password popups, i thot (clumsy typing & all) i had hit the wrong key & activated something to chat. So what R the popups??

piagi9 January 31st, 2003 03:55 PM

It's being discussed in the Open Forum, but no one has said what it is yet (
Looks like an FTP sign-in, I leave it empty and click Ok.
It goes away, but I still ain't sure what it is.:confused:

sberlin January 31st, 2003 08:05 PM

like trap_jaw said in the other thread, it was intended as a feature for limewire to allow private networks. it was never fully implemented, and i also thought it was removed for the current release. i'll double check, but i know i saw the change checked in to the code ..

piagi9 February 1st, 2003 03:55 AM

Sounds good. Except it leaves me wondering...

If (A) Some people activated it for them and their buddies
Then (B) Why is it showing up in others programs
If (C) We're not allowed access anyways?

trap_jaw February 1st, 2003 03:58 AM

LimeWire has to do that to determine if you are allowed to establish a connection to a certain ultrapeer.

stief February 1st, 2003 11:28 AM

Does this mean that people in the know are hacking limewire to allow for a private p2p network?

Sounds like Hotline. I guess PayPal will be involved soon.

Does limewire display which IP requested the pop-up, or where can I go to get in on this list?

trap_jaw February 1st, 2003 01:19 PM

Yes, it does.

The authentication feature was intended for private gnutella networks for example for companies or universities, btw.

stief February 1st, 2003 01:50 PM

Thanks for the quick reply T_J

any suggestions for finding out more about how to get in on this? Yeah--I know--I'm publicly asking for access to a private net.

BTW--I'm on a Mac running your favourite OS, Jaguar, so don't be too disgusted: I haven't yet tried Apple's new beta of Java--I'll wait for Limewire/Acquisition 3.1 and Java 1.41

security_conscious February 1st, 2003 02:43 PM

This is a serious security breach that should be ELIMINATED pronto! If someone answers it, is it sent out as open text? I have my family using Limewire. NO SOFTWARE should arbitrarily pop up and ask for a user name and password. It is a classic way of grabbing private information on all the online services. To randomly pop up dialog boxes asking for this kind of information and providing no other information or documentation is absolutely idiocy and should be taken care of immediately.

If one of the "system architects" is listening in, consider your self lucky I "held back."

rainglory February 3rd, 2003 09:03 AM

makes me wanna scream
I agree with security_conscious that this is a huge security risk and that no respectable and upstanding software should just arbitrarily do this. This severely damages my trust in Limewire and its creative team, and I think they should create a patch to download that will shut off this feature for people who are encountering this problem. (And make it 2.7-compatible, please!)

(I have personal reasons for preferring 2.7 over 2.8, including that the new color scheme of black-on-blue is much harsher on the eyes than the old blue-on-blue, and it doesn't run right on my Mac--and yes, I downloaded the right version--and I don't like the new statistics panel.)

My biggest complaint, however, (since I just ignore the pop-ups) is that they slow down and sometimes freeze my computer, especially when I'm printing a document and one shows up, or when I'm running Limewire in the background while I play a game. They won't let me click on any of the Limewire tabs until I get rid of them, either. How can I shut these off?! I never had this problem before last Wednesday when my computer crashed and I had to reinstall everything from scratch.

And somebody on the other thread mentioned the possibility of people using this program glitch to steal passwords, through tracking keystrokes or whatever, and I just want to say that if I find that out to be true, then I don't care if Limewire IS the only good file-sharing utility for Macs, I'll drop it in a heartbeat. Talk about damaging trust; LIMEWIRE, FIX YOUR PROBLEM!!!

doppelganger February 3rd, 2003 09:00 PM

It is getting worse, and like a dumb-*** I entered in a user name and password, I guess I thought it was there for a reason! I will now ignore it, but it seems like no one knows what this is. There is a host # at the top of the pop-up, I don't know what that has to do with it, but it's definitely weird.

Mota Doth February 3rd, 2003 10:22 PM

I came to this forum because I have gotten the same pop-up log-in and password box. Like Doppelganger, I entered my usual log-in and pass in one of these boxes, don't ask me why... I wonder if there is someone with LimeWire who can answer this question.

rainglory February 3rd, 2003 11:11 PM

the answer to this question has been posted on one of the other threads relating to this topic.

supposedly it is a feature built in to limewire to allow private networks for places like schools and businesses or something like that, but it was a feature that was never put into use. it is ALSO supposed to be a disabled feature by default. apparently somebody got into the code and activated it.

now supposedly this problem has been fixed on the latest version of limewire (8.something), but i read something on one of the threads written by someone running 8.6 (i think it was) who is having the same problem. so: ATTENTION LIMEWIRE PEOPLE: PLEASE DOUBLE-CHECK YOUR CODE!

what this means is that we will continue to be annoyed, and our computers slowed down and/or frozen by these annoying things, until limewire either makes a patch for those of us not willing to upgrade to newer versions just yet, or we upgrade (which supposedly fixes the problem), or we get frustrated enough to quit using the service.

Mota Doth February 4th, 2003 11:06 AM

Well, thanks for the answer.

cjp February 6th, 2003 09:30 AM

I have been running Limewire for a long time and this just started. It started for me the day I installed a router in order to share my DSL connection to another computer in the house.

Is there any simularity for others?

Why would this start now if it is a software bug. I would suggest that the bug is in either a New version of Limewire or else some other p2p program that has just come out is tripping the requests.


idask February 8th, 2003 05:45 PM

Re: user name pop-up

Originally posted by doppelganger
I have gotten 2 pop-ups which are part of Limewire with a host # at the time and 2 fields, one asking for my user name, and one for my password. I've been using Limewire for awhile now and never seen this before. Does anyone know what this is? Thanks!
I'm getting the same ... is this a "feature" or a problem ?

BR0CK February 15th, 2003 08:08 AM

name/password frequency
has anyone noticed that this problem seems to be getting worse? At first I got an occasional pop up asking me for user name & password, now if I leave limewire running for a while and come back to it there may be 10, 15, even 20 screens asking me for user name and password. It's like early AOL, I spend 25 minutes a day clicking "exit" to make all the little screens go away.

idask February 15th, 2003 08:18 AM

user name pop up
Apparently this is a feature (that wasn't supposed to be enabled) to allow private networks for places like schools and businesses.

I contacted Limewire support who suggested upgrading to ver 2.8.6 which I did and the login dialogue boxes no longer are generated.

Chimp February 15th, 2003 04:04 PM

Yeah but the fact that this just started recently, when I have been using Limewire for over a year suggests to me at least that something sinister might be going on. Not to mention that it is reallly dammned annoying

I_Forgot July 17th, 2003 03:24 PM

OK, so it was intended for private networks. That's fine, but what has NOT been answered is what info, if any, is passed back out if you enter anything. I haven't entered any info, and it would be foolish to do so. Shame on all of you who have. I can't believe anyone would be so naive.

So, again the question is what, if anything, is passed back out from this dialog?

BTW, I have been adding the IP's from them into my blocked IP list, in the hopes they would not come back after awhile. I have not yet seen the end of them.

sberlin July 17th, 2003 04:24 PM

Just FYI, any information you entered is sent to the host requesting validation.

If you upgrade to the latest version, you'll no longer receive the popup boxes.

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